Hi David,

Let me ask some questions about your system:

Are you using a version of Debian AMD64 port and
Do you have ia32-libs package installed on your system?


Ahmet Ozturk.

David Vasil wrote:
I'm trying to get an ossec agent to communicate with my ossec server.  I
have the server listening on port 1514, with my subnet added into the
'allowed-ips'.  On the agent, I installed the software, created the key
on the server, imported that key on the agent.  I configured ossec.conf
on the agent to communicate with the server using the port 1514 and
started the server and then the client.

With a tcpdump running, looking for *any* traffic to or from the server
host, I see no packets exchanged.  Looking in the logs on the client I
see this:

On both client and server, the client.xml keys match exactly.

2006/08/08 09:11:50 ossec-agentd: No previous counter available for 'blair'.
2006/08/08 09:11:50 ossec-agentd: Assigning counter for agent blair: '0:0'.
2006/08/08 09:11:50 ossec-agentd: No previous sender counter.
2006/08/08 09:11:50 ossec-agentd: Assigning sender counter: 0:0
2006/08/08 09:11:50 ossec-agentd: Started (pid: 19736).
2006/08/08 09:11:50 ossec-agentd(2201): Error compressing string:
xx.xx.xx.xx x.x.x-x.x #1 SMP xxx xxx xx xx:xx:xx EST 2006 x86_64
b8c84b96833338cec9584305d652c325 rootkit_trojans.txt
e8131ce90d4ac82863f045c08eeedfd6 rootkit_files.txt
2006/08/08 09:11:50 ossec-agentd(1217): Error creating encrypted message.

What does this mean?  How can I fix this?  Thanks for your help!

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