Hi Michael,

Reply inline.

On 2/24/07, Michael Starks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are mutiple <e-mail_alerts> tags supported?  For example, can I send it
to two addresses if greater than level 10?

Yes, you can have as many email_alerts tags as you wish.

Similar to above, are multiple locations supported?  So, can I have
alerts for 10 hosts sent to two addresses if they are greater than level
10?  How about wildcards within a tag?

Yes, the same applies for locations. You can have as many entries as
you want. We use the os_match library for the event_location, so the
following options are supported:

Two other things which would make this useful is a "short version" for
pagers, and a more granularity (by rule ID, time, etc).  I might, for
example, want alerts that are greater than level ten to go to pager one
for a set of ten hosts, and pager 2 for another set of 10, but only on
weekdays after five and on weekends.  The short version of the alert
could have enough info in the subject to determine the criticality.

I know this is asking a lot but I see that as being integral to incident
response.  Only bug me on weekends if it's a big problem, and if I'm
likely sleeping, it had better be a real big problem! :)

We will keep this in mind for the next version... One feature at a time :)


Daniel B. Cid
dcid ( at ) ossec.net

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