Hi Sebastian,

Your rule is actually working as expected. You have:

<rule id="5716" level="5" frequency="2" timeframe="360">
   <description>SSHD authentication failed.</description>

Because of the <if_sid>5700</if_sid>, whenever a sshd message is
received, it is going to check
if the rule 57161 happened 2 or more times. I think in your case, you want:

<rule id="5716" level="5" frequency="2" timeframe="360">
   <description>SSHD authentication failed.</description>

To only check when the rule 57161 happens, not every sshd message...
Makes sense? As for syscheck,
OSSEC has no way currently to keep sending e-mails for the same
event... But we plan to implement
something like that for the web ui (when you verify if a file changed
was allowed).


Daniel B. Cid
dcid ( at ) ossec.net

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:42 AM, skoesters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  i have to questions.
>  first the frequency in rules Problem.
>  i created the following rules
>  <rule id="57161" level="5">
>     <if_sid>5700</if_sid>
>     <match>^Failed|^error: PAM: Authentication</match>
>     <description>SSHD authentication failed.</description>
>     <group>authentication_failed,</group>
>   </rule>
>   <rule id="5716" level="5" frequency="2" timeframe="360">
>     <if_matched_sid>57161</if_matched_sid>
>     <if_sid>5700</if_sid>
>     <description>SSHD authentication failed.</description>
>     <group>authentication_failed,</group>
>   </rule>
>  After 2 failed ssh logins trigger rule 5716
>  there is one litte problem
>  the alert.log
>  ** Alert 1209133162.700886: - syslog,sshd,authentication_failed,
>  2008 Apr 25 16:19:22 (backup)>/var/log/auth.log
>  Rule: 5716 (level 5) -> 'SSHD authentication failed.'
>  Src IP:
>  User: test
>  Apr 25 16:19:22 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sshd[32344]: Accepted publickey for user
>  from port 49209 ssh2
>  Apr 25 16:19:10 test sshd[28690]: Failed password for tbmx from
>  xx.xx.xx.xx port 56875 ssh2
>  Apr 25 16:18:49 test sshd[28690]: Failed password for tbmx from
>  xx.xx.xx.xx port 56875 ssh2
>  the log shows the 2 failed logins BUT ALSO this line
>  Apr 25 16:19:22 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sshd[32344]: Accepted publickey for user
>  from port 49209 ssh2
>  he allways does this.
>  second example (here with trigger after 3 failures):
>  ** Alert 1209132832.691592: - syslog,sshd,authentication_failed,
>  2008 Apr 25 16:13:52 (xxxxx) xx.xx.xx.xx ->/var/log/auth.log
>  Rule: 5716 (level 5) -> 'SSHD authentication failed.'
>  Src IP: xx.xx.xx.xx
>  User: test
>  Apr 25 16:13:51 host sshd[2011]: Accepted publickey for nagios from
>  yy.yy.yy.yy port 63609 ssh2
>  Apr 25 16:13:41 server sshd[28652]: Failed password for tbmx from
>  xx.xx.xx.xx port 59151 ssh2
>  Apr 25 16:13:24 server sshd[28652]: Failed password for tbmx from
>  xx.xx.xx.xx port 59151 ssh2
>  Apr 25 16:13:19 server sshd[28652]: Failed password for tbmx from
>  xx.xx.xx.xx port 59151 ssh2
>  he should only show the failed passwords line not the accepted
>  publickey.
>  why does he show a wrong line + the correct lines? I only want to have
>  the failed password.
>  second question:
>  Integrity check
>  ossec sends me a mail when a file changes. Can tell ossec to send me
>  this mail until i say "its ok that this file chagend"
>  example.
>  /etc/hosts change.
>  ossec sends mail
>  2 Minutes later it sends the mail again
>  2 Minutes later it sends the mail again
>  2 Minutes later it sends the mail again
>  ......
>  i tell ossec its ok that /etc/hosts changed and ossec stops sending
>  and start sending again after the file changed again.
>  is something like that possible?
>  Thank you!
>  Kind regards
>  Sebastian

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