Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your input, I have taken your ideas on board. In case
anyone is interested here is an OSSEC configuration that works well
for me;


<decoder name="ssh-scan2">
  <prematch>^Did not receive identification|^Bad protocol version</
  <regex offset="after_prematch"> from (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)$</regex>


   <rule id="5706" level="4">
    <match>Did not receive identification string from</match>
    <description>SSH insecure connection attempt (scan).</description>

  <rule id="100160" level="10" frequency="4" timeframe="360">
    <description>Possible scan or breakin attempt </description>
    <description>(high number of identification failures).</

You may or may not need to change some things such as the rule
id="100160". Also note that the decoder rule (and sshd rule 5706)
probably already exists for you but I changed it a bit. This works
fine for me by banning hosts who give me four identification failures
in 360 seconds.


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