I've been struggling with cleaning up the notifications from ossec, I've had 
some success but for whatever reason I can't seem to get a grip on it 

I've got several rules in local_rules.xml that filter out unimportant stuff 
(windows really likes to twiddle registry keys, in particular service Enum).  
Most seem to work, however some do not even though I use the same syntax.  

Here's an example, I get smart HDD test syslog events from my NAS box:

Received From: fatty->/var/log/messages
Rule: 1002 fired (level 2) -> "Unknown problem somewhere in the system."
Portion of the log(s):

May 18 00:02:06 fatty qlogd[3762]: event log: Users: System, Source IP:, Computer name: localhost, Content: [HDD SMART] HDD 1 Quick Test 
result: Completed without error.

So I added 

<rule id="100009" level="0">
<match>'Completed without error'</match>
<description>Ignoring HDD Smart test okay and zoneminder</description>

It's in a group and parses fine of course.

I still get the errors.  I've read in some article/howto that it's best to 
avoid using regular expressions too much, perhaps there's something wrong with 
my <match>?

A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining
and wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
                -- Mark Twain

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