I agree with Doug, and would split it into multiple rules.

Some simple stuff thrown together (will be improved in my
wip-ossec-rules tree at some point):
  <rule id="370022" level="2">
    <match>Invalid credentials</match>
    <description>User entered incorrect password.</description>

This one is untested (beyond making sure ossec-logtest didn't complain
about it) at the moment:
  <rule id="370023" level="5" frequency="3" timeframe="360">
    <description>Wrong password entered repeatedly</description>

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 6:33 AM, ItsMikeE <mernst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is a syslog rule (1002) which looks for any one of a list of
> "bad words".
> On my RHEL servers this is picking up any mis-typed passwords
> Received From: (server) 123.456.789.012->/var/log/secure
> Rule: 1002 fired (level 2) -> "Unknown problem somewhere in the
> system."
> Portion of the log(s):
> Sep 23 10:32:25 server sshd[25209]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as
> user "uid=user123,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=com" (Invalid credentials)
> Whilst I want rule 1002 to remain, in the case of mistyped passwords I
> only want to be informed if this occurs multiple times.
> I created an override in local_rules
> <group name="syslog,errors,">
> <! Ignore mistyped passwords until 3rd occurrence -->
>   <rule id="101002" level="5" frequency="3" timeframe="360">
>      <if_matched_sid>1002</if_matched_sid>
>      <match>error trying to bind as user</match>
>      <description>Wrong password entered repeatedly</description>
>   </rule>
> </group> <!-- SYSLOG,errors -->
> but this is not working.
> Can you combine if_matched_sid with match?
> Is there an easier way to do this?

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