Any ideas on this one?

Doug Burks

On Nov 12, 2:29 pm, "dan (ddp)" <> wrote:
> What happens on the list stays on the list. ;)
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:15 PM, Chris Decker <> wrote:
> > I'm interested in such a decoder as well, so any effort expended to help
> > Doug would also help me and countless others I'm sure.
> > On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 3:55 PM, dan (ddp) <> wrote:
> >> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Doug Burks <> wrote:
> >> > Has anybody used OSSEC to monitor OpenLDAP logs?  Specifically, I'd
> >> > like to monitor for auth failures (err=49 in the sanitized log sample
> >> > below).  As you can see, one LDAP connection (conn=999999) creates
> >> > multiple log entries.  Further complicating the matter is the fact
> >> > that there are two instances of the err=49 error in this LDAP
> >> > connection.
> >> > Here's what I'd like to do.
> >> > 1.  Write a decoder that would:
> >> >  -process all of these lines together
> >> >  -pull out the source IP address from the "ACCEPT from
> >> > IP=" entry
> >> >  -pull out the username from the "BIND
> >> > dn="uid=username,ou=Department,ou=Business
> >> > Unit,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"" entry
> >> > 2.  Write an "Invalid credentials" rule that would look for
> >> > "err=49".
> >> > Would this be possible?  Would it require the multi-line log reader
> >> > support added in OSSEC v2.5?  If so, I haven't found any documentation
> >> > on this feature.
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 fd=64 ACCEPT
> >> > from IP= (IP=
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=0 EXT
> >> > oid=
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=0 STARTTLS
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=0 RESULT oid=
> >> > err=0 text=
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 fd=64 TLS
> >> > established tls_ssf=256 ssf=256
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=1 BIND
> >> > dn="cn=Host,ou=Personal Accounts,dc=example,dc=com" method=128
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=1 BIND
> >> > dn="cn=Host,ou=Personal Accounts,dc=example,dc=com" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=1 RESULT
> >> > tag=97 err=0 text=
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=2 SRCH
> >> > base="ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" scope=2 deref=0
> >> > filter="(uid=username)"
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=2 ENTRY
> >> > dn="uid=username,ou=Department,ou=Business
> >> > Unit,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=2 SEARCH
> >> > RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=3 BIND
> >> > anonymous mech=implicit ssf=0
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=3 BIND
> >> > dn="uid=username,ou=Department,ou=Business
> >> > Unit,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" method=128
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=3 RESULT
> >> > tag=97 err=49 text=
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=4 BIND
> >> > dn="cn=Host,ou=Personal Accounts,dc=example,dc=com" method=128
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=4 BIND
> >> > dn="cn=Host,ou=Personal Accounts,dc=example,dc=com" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=4 RESULT
> >> > tag=97 err=0 text=
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:59 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=5 BIND
> >> > anonymous mech=implicit ssf=0
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:59 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=5 BIND
> >> > dn="uid=username,ou=Department,ou=Business
> >> > Unit,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" method=128
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:59 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=5 RESULT
> >> > tag=97 err=49 text=
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:59 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=6 BIND
> >> > dn="cn=Host,ou=Personal Accounts,dc=example,dc=com" method=128
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:59 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=6 BIND
> >> > dn="cn=Host,ou=Personal Accounts,dc=example,dc=com" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
> >> > Jan 11 09:26:59 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=6 RESULT
> >> > tag=97 err=0 text=
> >> > Jan 11 09:27:01 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 op=7 UNBIND
> >> > Jan 11 09:27:01 hostname slapd2.4[20872]: conn=999999 fd=64 closed
> >> > Thanks,
> >> > Doug Burks
> >> Gross.
> >> I was going to look into OpenLDAP at some point, now I think I see why
> >> it wasn't done before.
> >> Out of curiosiry, can connection logs from different conn's be mixed
> >> together? For example:
> >> Jan 11 09:27:34 blah slapd: conn=99997 blahblah
> >> Jan 11 09:27:35 blah slapd: conn=99998 blahblah
> >> Jan 11 09:27:36 blah slapd: conn=99999 blahblah
> >> Jan 11 09:27:36 blah slapd: conn=99997 More blahblah
> >> Unfortunately I haven't seem much about the multi-line log option.
> >> Here's the source in logcollector that should be handling it:
> >>
> >> I'm going to try and get an idea of how do use it tonight, and ask
> >> about it on IRC tomrrow. I'm just not sure how it'll handle multiple
> >> connection logs getting mixed together.
> >> It's almost like we need a log format where we can specify an
> >> identifier that groups logs together (conn=ID)...

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