I just corected this entry  it now looks like this

-----Message d'origine-----
De : ossec-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:ossec-l...@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de dan (ddp)
Envoyé : 14 déc. 2010 11:03
À : ossec-list@googlegroups.com
Objet : Re: [ossec-list] Still working on world writable files

So when a level 12 alert is fired that has a srcip you want the
file-perm command to run?

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 10:41 AM,  <d.asse...@cgi.com> wrote:
>  In ossec.conf under Active response
>     This is what I have
>  <active-response>
>     <!--Report all files with 666/777 perm in dir list.
>      -->
>    <command>file-perm</command>
>    <location>local</location>
>    <level>12</level>
>    <timeout>600</timeout>
>  </active-response>
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : ossec-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:ossec-l...@googlegroups.com] De la 
> part de dan (ddp)
> Envoyé : 14 déc. 2010 09:21
> À : ossec-list@googlegroups.com
> Objet : Re: [ossec-list] Still working on world writable files
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 9:12 AM,  <d.asse...@cgi.com> wrote:
>> Hi all
>>   This is what I have done up t’il now to track those ww files
>> But it doesn’t appear to work.  Sooooooo what did I miss
>>   I have a one liner script in active response  that extract the info
>> I need
>> stat -c %A" "%n  /cdpq/* /users/*/* /etc/* | egrep -e "-rw.rw.rw..*"| sed
>> "s/^\(-rw.rw.rw..*\)/Wrong file permissions in \1/" > /var/log/perm.log
> Under what conditions do you expect this script to be triggered? This
> seems more like a cron or command script.
>> this produces a log like this
>> Wrong file perm -rwxrwxrwx /cdpq/coco123
>> Wong file perm  -rw-rw-rw- /cdpq/coco1234
>> Wrong file perm -rw-rw-rw- /cdpq/cocorico
>>  Next I made this rule in local_rules.xml
>> <rule id="100021" level="12" >
>>     <if_group>syscheck,</if_group>
>>     <match>^Worng</match>
>>     <description>World-writable File</description>
>>     <group>syscheck,</group>
>>  </rule>
> That rule shoudl work.
>>  And finally this in ossec.conf
>> <command>
>>     <name>file-perm</name>
>>     <executable>file-perm.sh</executable>
>>     <expect>srcip</expect>
>>     <timeout_allowed>yes</timeout_allowed>
>>   </command>
> So your script wants to see a srcip?
> You forgot to include your <active-response> configuration. What will
> trigger the file-perm command?
> Please see: 
> http://www.ossec.net/doc/manual/ar/ar-unix.html#responses-configuration
>> <localfile>
>>     <log_format>syslog</log_format>
>>     <location>/var/log/perm.log</location>
>>   </localfile>
>> </ossec_config>
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