I believe I have now managed to solve my rule 18152 issue with the following
rule. I was getting events generated every 30 mins and I've now not had any
for the last 3 hours.

I just thought I should post what I'd done in case it helps anybody else in
future, or of course in case anybody spots a fatal flaw in what I've done

<rule id="100001" level="0">
  <description>Ignoring SERVER-NAME</description>

On 5 January 2011 09:37, Chris Tweed <christwee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is my first posting to this list having rolled OSSEC HIDS out to an
> estate of around 800 Windows based machines towards the end of last year as
> part of our PCI compliance strategy.
> Everything is running very smoothly and I just have one niggle, rule 18152.
> I have made a few other simple rule changes successfully, but so far I have
> been unable to work out a solution for this one myself and I feel like I
> could do with a bit of help.
> For various quite legitimate reasons none of the 800 aforementioned Windows
> machines are part of a domain, however another part of our security system
> does sit on our domain and is creating invalid login attempt events from the
> domain administrator account every time it accesses one of the machines in
> our OSSEC estate.
> Rule 18152 is fired and presents the following information, which I have
> edited for the sakes of privacy. “CLIENT001” was the original Windows
> machine name of the PC where the OSSEC agent is installed, “DOMAIN-NAME” is
> the name of the Windows domain where the Windows server in question resides
> and “SERVER-NAME” is the name of the Windows 2008 Server machine which is
> producing the logon failures :-
> WinEvtLog: Security: AUDIT_FAILURE(529): Security: SYSTEM: NT AUTHORITY:
> CLIENT001 : Logon Failure:     Reason:  Unknown user name or bad password
>  User Name: Administrator     Domain:  DOMAIN-NAME     Logon Type: 3
>  Logon Process: NtLmSsp      Authentication Package:
> Of course I want to retain logon failure events, however I know about these
> failed logon attempts from SERVER-NAME and as the server in questions make a
> connection every 30 minutes… well, lets just say that the events are going
> to mount up a bit from an estate of 800 OSSEC installations (48 x 800 =
> 38400 event notifications per day). At the moment the Windows 2008 Server is
> only configured to connect to a small number of client machines and I can’t
> really continue with the roll out of that part of our security system until
> this issue is resolved.
> I’m thinking that there must be a way to overwrite rule 18152 with a
> version in local_rules which will ignore any alerts mentioning “SERVER-NAME”
> in the event, but I have been unable to figure out a way to do this.
> Any help that anybody can offer to help me solve this would be greatly
> appreciated,
> Regards and thank you for reading,
> Chris

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