On 01/07/2011 08:43 AM, Anthony, Russell (Information Security) wrote:
Has anyone successfully deployed Ossec to an environment with 25K or
more clients? I would appreciate any feedback, lessons learned,
architectural guidelines or hardware recommendations. Is there a good
rule of thumb on how many windows clients that can point to a single
OSSEC manager ? What typically becomes the bottleneck as the number of
agents increases? Network bandwidth, memory, CPU or Disk read/writes?
Russ Anthony
Hello Russ,
From the section 'Monitor thousands of agents.' at
By default, OSSEC will handle up to 256 agents. But there are successful
installations with thousands of agents. You simply need to increase one
setting in OSSEC.
#cd src; make setmaxagents
#cd ..; ./install.sh
It also helps to increase a few kernel parameters for your system:
# ulimit -n 2048
# sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=2048
# sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=5123840
# sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max = 5123840
I like to put OSSEC on its own partition and optimize it a bit with the
noatime value. For example:
/dev/VolGroup00/ossec /log/ossec ext3 defaults,noatime 1 2
As an added benefit, if something goes crazy and starts sending out
millions of logs, it won’t fill up the root partition and take down the
entire server.
Hope this helps.