
I just started using OSSEC a few days ago, and google isn't helping me 
on this. I'm trying to exclude a list of files from OSSEC's syschecks, 
and I'm running into problems with both the regex engine and variables.

The documentation at http://www.ossec.net/wiki/Know_How:Regex_Readme 
says that you have to escape parentheses, which suggests to me that 
unescaped parenthesis are interpreted in the way that egrep interprets 
them. For example, "<regex>asdf(foo|bar)</regex>" would match "asdffoo" 
or "asdfbar". Is that the case? If not, is there some other way to 
specify that regex (other than "asdffoo|asdfbar")?

Secondly, when using variables defined by the <var> tag, how do you 
protect them from surrounding text? I was trying to set up a rule (which 
I later realized was invalid for other reasons) that had the form 
"<match>blah blah ($VARIABLE_NAME)</match>", and when trying to restart 
OSSEC, I got a "Unknown variable: $VARIABLE_NAME)" error. Is there some 
way to prevent this?

If the above questions have simple answers, you can disregard the rest 
of this message. For the full context of what I'm trying to accomplish, 
read on.

What I want to do is to exclude a list of files from syschecks. To 
accomplish this, I first defined this variable in my local_rules.xml:


The OSSEC Book suggests excluding these files by matching the string 
"for: '/path/to/file'". In order to try to accomplish this, I added the 

    <rule id="105001" level="0">
        <regex>for: '($IGNORE_FILE_CHANGE)'</regex>
        <description>Excluding expected file changes</description>

What I'm expecting to happen is for the regex tag to expand in this 
  "for: '($IGNORE_FILE_CHANGE)'"
  "for: '(/etc/prelink.cache|/etc/Master_backup)'"
  "for: '/etc/prelink.cache'" OR "for: '/etc/Master_backup'"

What happens instead is, I get a syntax error when trying to restart 
OSSEC. Could someone point out the various erroneous assumptions I'm 

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