On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 2:38 PM, Michael Starks
<ossec-l...@michaelstarks.com> wrote:
> On 05/25/2011 12:23 PM, Walker, Barry wrote:
>> Thanks.  What I am looking for is more advanced training beyond the
>> basics since my company is looking at implementing Ossec on an
>> international basis.  The “group” does help and has been immeasurable
>> with the information that you have provided.  Has anyone considered
>> working with SANS, etc and promoted Ossec within their security
>> gatherings?
> I think a SANS OSSEC course would be great, and of course that is an effort
> I would be happy to help with. :)
> I have considered putting together both an open and commercial OSSEC
> training course, but wasn't sure if there would be enough interest. Maybe it
> is something worth serious consideration.

Wim Remes and Xavier Mertens did something at Black Hat Europe titled
"Grepping for Gold." Their slides are available:
I'm not sure if it was hands on or not, but IIRC they did spin up a
bunch of amazon cloud instances for the event.

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