How much time passes between the blocks?

(I don't know much about repeated_offenders, so just gathering ideas.)

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Chris Warren
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm am trying out the <repeated_offenders> option but it does not seem to be 
> triggering.
> Here is my active response config:
>  <active-response>
>    <!-- Firewall Drop response. Block the IP for
>       - 600 seconds on the firewall (iptables,
>       - ipfilter, etc).
>      -->
>    <command>firewall-drop</command>
>    <location>all</location>
>    <level>7</level>
>    <timeout>600</timeout>
>    <repeated_offenders>30,60,120,1440</repeated_offenders>
>  </active-response>
> I also get this when restarting OSSEC:
> 2011/12/12 19:39:15 ossec-execd: INFO: Adding offenders timeout: 30 (for #1)
> 2011/12/12 19:39:15 ossec-execd: INFO: Adding offenders timeout: 60 (for #2)
> 2011/12/12 19:39:15 ossec-execd: INFO: Adding offenders timeout: 120 (for #3)
> 2011/12/12 19:39:15 ossec-execd: INFO: Adding offenders timeout: 1440 (for #4)
> So all appears well, however, I am seeing the same offender being unblocked 
> after 600 seconds each time.
> Thanks for any help offered.
> Chris

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