On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 6:12 AM, Paul <paul.lep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am having a few problems with the behaviour of OSSEC's new file
> alerting on Windows agents.
> We are wanting to do real-time alerting of files being added to
> particular directories. However, I'm getting some slightly unexpected

Realtime support does not include alerting on new files.

> behaviour. I can get new file alerts on the manager, but in order to
> get them, I need to:
> - Create the file
> - Wait for syscheck to run
> - Modify the file.

You shouldn't have to modify the file. It works properly on *nix
hosts, but I haven't checked Windows. I'm not sure why it wouldn't
work there.

> I then get both a 'file creation' alert and a 'file modified' alert -
> the file creation alert is timestamped at the time the syscheck ran,
> and the modified alert at the time the file was modified.
> Unfortunately the directories we’re trying to monitor for new files
> are never changed - only added to - so we are not getting any alerts.
> I have enabled new file alerts in ossec.conf on the manager, and
> changed rule 554 in ossec_rules.xml to be level 7.

Don't change it in ossec_rules.xml, you'll lose the change when you upgrade.

> Here is the syscheck section from ossec.conf on the Agent:
>  <syscheck>
>    <disabled>no</disabled>
>    <directories realtime="yes" check_all="yes">C:\MyDirToMonitor</
> directories>
>    <auto_ignore>no</auto_ignore>
>    <alert_new_files>yes</alert_new_files>
>    <frequency>21600</frequency>
>  </syscheck>
> Is this expected behaviour? Any suggestions on how to make this work?
> Many thanks,
> Paul.

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