On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Peter M Abraham
<peter.abra...@dynamicnet.net> wrote:
> Good day:
> Given the following rule
>  <rule id="180000" level="11">
>    <if_sid>18107</if_sid>
>    <match>Logon Type: 10</match>
>    <description>Windows RDP Login.</description>
>    <group>authentication_success,</group>
>  </rule>
> What could we add so that if the "User Name" is not a specific value
> AND the "Source Network Address" is not a specific value, that an
> email is triggered to a specific email address?
> Thank you.

<rule id="180001" level="0">
  <user>User Name</user>
  <srcip>Source Network Address</srcip>
  <description>Ignore stuff</description>

Then create a granular email alert for rule 180000.

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