On 03/12/2012 11:53 AM, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> On Monday 12 March 2012 12:24:47 pm Steven Stern wrote:
>> On 03/12/2012 10:49 AM, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
>>> Anyone have any ideas on this?
>>>> All,
>>>> Back at the end of last year, I asked about using the repeated-offenders
>>>> feature
>>>> in OH.  I added the following directives to ossec.conf on the host that
>>>> I want this to work in:
>>>>   <command>
>>>>     <name>host-deny</name>
>>>>     <executable>host-deny.sh</executable>
>>>>     <expect>srcip</expect>
>>>>     <timeout_allowed>yes</timeout_allowed>
>>>>   </command>
>>>>   <active-response>
>>>>     <!-- This response is going to execute the host-deny
>>>>        - command for every event that fires a rule with
>>>>        - level (severity) >= 6.
>>>>        - The IP is going to be blocked for  600 seconds.
>>>>       -->
>>>>     <command>host-deny</command>
>>>>     <location>local</location>
>>>>     <level>6</level>
>>>>     <timeout>600</timeout>
>>>>   </active-response>
>>>> Despite that, it's not working.  Ossec reports the following:
>>>> OSSEC HIDS Notification.
>>>> 2012 Mar 07 09:08:16
>>>> Received From: (plymouth)>/var/log/messages
>>>> Rule: 40111 fired (level 10) -> "Multiple authentication failures."
>>>> Portion of the log(s):
>>>> Mar  7 09:07:44 plymouth ipop3d[29926]: Login failed user=hod auth=hod
>>>> host=201-93-132-240.dsl.telesp.net.br []
>>>> ...
>>>> However, rather than OH invoking repeated-offenders, and blocking the
>>>> offender for 600 seconds, I continue to see the offender make attempts
>>>> on the host.
>>>> What am I missing here?
>> Can you get onto the server when the block should be in effect?
>> If so, what do you see in /etc/hosts.deny and from "iptables -L"?
>> At the time the blocks should be taking place, do you see anything in
>> /var/log/messages or /var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log?
>> Are you running SELinux in enforcing mode?
>> --
>> -- Steve
> Steve,
> Thanks for your response.  By grepping for the offending IP addy 
> in /var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log, I saw that "host-deny.sh add" 
> and "firewall-drop.sh  add" were fired.  Ten minutes later, host-deny.sh 
> delete" and "firewall-drop.sh  delete" were fired.  So, it appears that 
> repeated-offenders is working.  I just didn't know where to look.  I guess 
> I'd 
> like an email notification when the blocks/unblocks are fired.  How/where do 
> I 
> enable that?

I think this is what you want.  By the way, if you're playing with rules
that lock people out, be sure to whitelist your own IP first.



-- Steve

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