We have had a very successful deployment of OSSEC so I got really gung-
ho and decided to add the final handful of servers and generate keys
for them.  I generated keys for about 60 extra servers consecutively.
Since that happened and I restarted the OSSEC processes, ossec-remoted
is dying.  In my digging around, I noticed the following:

- When I "(L)ist already added agents" using manage_agents, my full
list of devices I generated keys for appears


- When I do a  ./agent_control -l, only the OSSEC server using ID: 000
is listed and no others.

As well, when I look in my ossec.log file, I see entries for ossec-
remoted starting but never any other info about issues.  Is there some
enhanced logging that I can turn on to see why it is failing?  Or any
suggestions for troubleshooting this issue?


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