Hi dan,

With ps aux | grep dbd I get this:

ossecm    2006  0.0  0.4   5372  2124 ?        S    11:35   0:00 

So yes, dbd seems to be still running and there is no error in ossec.log 
Both /var/log/mysql.log and /var/log/mysql.err are empty, seems to be no 
more information (may be I should change mysql logging level).

Texte editor is ready to get creative :)


On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:16:47 PM UTC+2, secatoor wrote:
> Hi all, 
> Like well explained in the OSSEC documentation, I "upgraded" my OSSEC 
> server to log into mysql database. I compiled OSSEC with setdb and 
> updated the previous installation. 
> I got mysql and OSSEC server working on the same machine. 
> I made the ossec database with the mysql.schema file and created the 
> "ossec" user account to allow connecting to mysql. 
> OSSEC starts up fine, and in the /var/ossec/logs/ossec.log file I can 
> see this line wich means to it should be able to connect correctly to 
> database: 
> 2012/05/09 11:35:32 ossec-dbd: Connected to database 'ossec' at 
> ''. 
> But... it seems working fine during a few minutes and then... 
> nothing ! 
> When I connec to mysql to show the content of the "data" table (select 
> * from data) I get this: 
> +----+-----------+-------- 
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + 
> | id | server_id | user   | 
> full_log 
> | 
> +----+-----------+-------- 
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + 
> |  1 |         1 | (null) | ossec: Ossec 
> started. 
> | 
> |  2 |         1 | root   | May  7 16:57:29 vm3 sshd[2329]: 
> pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 
> tty=ssh ruser= rhost=g-test.local  user=root                       | 
> |  3 |         1 | root   | May  7 16:57:30 vm3 sshd[2329]: Failed 
> password for root from port 48068 
> ssh2 
> | 
> |  4 |         1 | root   | May  7 16:57:43 vm3 sshd[2329]: Failed 
> password for root from port 48068 
> ssh2 
> | 
> |  5 |         1 | root   | May  7 16:57:44 vm3 sshd[2329]: Accepted 
> password for root from port 48068 
> ssh2 
> | 
> |  6 |         1 | (null) | May  7 16:57:44 vm3 sshd[2329]: 
> pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by 
> (uid=0) 
> | 
> |  7 |         1 | (null) | May  7 16:57:48 vm3 sshd[2329]: 
> pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user 
> root 
> | 
> |  8 |         1 | (null) | May  7 17:25:32 vm3 sshd[2878]: 
> pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by 
> (uid=0) 
> | 
> |  9 |         1 | (null) | May  7 17:25:36 vm3 sshd[2878]: 
> pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user 
> root 
> | 
> | 10 |         1 | (null) | May  9 09:53:49 vm3 gnome-screensaver- 
> dialog: pam_unix(gnome-screensaver:auth): authentication failure; 
> logname= uid=1000 euid=1000 tty=:0.0 ruser= rhost=  user=user | 
> | 11 |         1 | (null) | May  9 09:56:27 vm3 sshd[1993]: Invalid 
> user test from 
> | 
> | 12 |         1 | (null) | May  9 09:56:27 vm3 sshd[1993]: Failed 
> none for invalid user test from port 39825 
> ssh2                                                                 | 
> +----+-----------+-------- 
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + 
> 12 rows in set (0.00 sec) 
> Which shows that I succeeded to connect via ssh with my "root" account 
> and that I tried with a false account. 
> But the next hour I tried to log again with a false account (to check 
> if OSSEC is working fine) and nothing had been logged into mysql... 
> And when I open the /var/ossec/logs/archives/2012/May/ossec- 
> archive-09.log file, I can observe things like : 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:10 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:10 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: Invalid user foker from 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:10 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:10 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: Failed none for invalid user foker from port 
> 39834 ssh2 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:14 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:13 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:14 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:13 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= 
> uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=g-test.local 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:16 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:15 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: Failed password for invalid user foker from 
> port 39834 ssh2 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:18 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:16 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:20 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:18 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: Failed password for invalid user foker from 
> port 39834 ssh2 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:20 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:19 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:22 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:21 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: Failed password for invalid user foker from 
> port 39834 ssh2 
> 2012 May 09 11:36:22 vm3->/var/log/auth.log May  9 11:36:21 vm3 
> sshd[2038]: PAM 2 more authentication failures; logname= uid=0 euid=0 
> tty=ssh ruser= rhost=g-test.local 
> That makes understand that OSSEC is logging but not in the database... 
> I checked the /var/ossec/logs/ossec.log file again and there was no 
> problem with dbd. 
> Is there something specific I have to tell OSSEC to make it stop 
> logging into log files and log into mysql database ? 
> I tried starting it again and again but it still does not work fine (I 
> even tried from scratch, with no previous installation)... 
> If someone has any idea, you're welcome ;) 
> Thanks

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