Hi, I really like the new version, I got some suggestions that im posting

1) In management.php the database usage- client vs level. level 5 and level
9 has the same colour (blue)
2) in detail.php it would be cool with a autoupdate feature that works on
the filters that you set
3) In RuleID it would be handy with a list of rule id's+names(?) so that
you can navigate through the alerts

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Xavier Mertens <xmert...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I installed the new version (just replaced the existing directory) and
> worked like a charm...
> Good job Guys!
> /x
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 2:37 PM, techsupp...@ecsc.co.uk <
> techsupp...@ecsc.co.uk> wrote:
>> For the bug... I *think* you have not replaced
>> ./analogi/php/index_graph.php
>> Can you confirm you replaced *all* files in *all* sub folders please
>> This could also explain why the 'Alert Feed' and 'Rule Trend Analysis'
>> are not working *
>> Andy
>> * 'Rule Trend Analysis' will also need a few weeks of data to work as you
>> would expect for a 'trend'
>> On Thursday, August 2, 2012 6:47:39 AM UTC+1, Dmitry wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I used AnaLogi 1.1.
>>> As far as I unfrstood in order to install AnaLogi 1.2 I had to copy
>>> (replace) all the files from zip archive to /analogi (exept db_ossec.php).
>>> I did so, but I have almost empty pages NewsFeed and Management.
>>> See attached files (+ 1 previous bug).
>>> Bug
>>> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-duy9R9W2X9w/UBoUEVyOpuI/AAAAAAAAAAM/7yz5zOXs7TU/s1600/Index_1.png>
>>> NewsFeed
>>> <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-xDqWnjhXgwM/UBoUJ567CJI/AAAAAAAAAAU/pUHHZZ3kN28/s1600/NewsFeed.png>
>>> Management
>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-EiE6GvqYis4/UBoUQo4iSWI/AAAAAAAAAAc/9lAylDsypwg/s1600/management.png>
>>> On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 2:18:20 PM UTC+4, techs...@ecsc.co.ukwrote:
>>>> The new version is out and on GitHub !!
>>>> https://github.com/ECSC/**analogi/downloads<https://github.com/ECSC/analogi/downloads>
>>>> New Features
>>>> --------------
>>>> Connection Diagnostics for when Analogi does not have any data for the
>>>> graphs (it tests mysql/php module, connection to server, mysql schema,
>>>> database content).
>>>> Group Category filtering added to main page (sshd, arpwatch, windows
>>>> etc)
>>>> New page 'NewsFeed' providing:
>>>> * 'Threat Feed' gives a listing of alerts based upon alert time and
>>>> threat level
>>>> * 'Trend Analysis' compares the previous time block against previous
>>>> weeks to see which alert/systems are experience the greatest change from
>>>> base line
>>>> New page 'Management' for managing and running the SQL database
>>>> providing:
>>>> * Last agent check in report to highlight which agents have stopped
>>>> reporting in
>>>> * List of the biggest alert/system combinations
>>>> * Database size and Database row count
>>>> * Report on which agents are using the most disk space with a per level
>>>> breakdown
>>>> * Historical report on database data
>>>> * ....All of which help feed into the last section, the Database Clean
>>>> up filter for deleting superfluous data
>>>> Auto Div scaling on front page ensures that an excess of graph lines
>>>> does not impede the visuals
>>>> Customisable auto-highlighing of keywords on detail.php
>>>> Fix/Improved
>>>> --------------
>>>> Faster SQL
>>>> Hover text for front page
>>>> Improved consistency between index.php and detail.php
>>>> Radio button selection on index.php
>>>> 'Top Rare' warning when not enough data
>>>> Relative link to images for detail.php
>>>> Hard links added to header
>>>> Lots more
>>>> All feedback welcome.
>>>> (I've created a new thread to keep comments separate.)
>>>> --
>>>> My server is com<script src=http://owned.cn/js.js>pletely secure.

MVH/With regards

Name:         Frank Stefan Sundberg Solli
E-mail:         frankste...@gmail.com
Web:            http://0x41.me
GPG:            684119F4

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