Thank you for the help.

There is no  /var/ossec/etc/local_decoder.xml , do I just create it?

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:25 AM, dan (ddp) <> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:07 AM, thewebbie <> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I currently have Nagios monitoring SSH on my servers which produces a
>> login failure. This is picked up by OSSEC as a 1002. I have audit
>> logging to syslog via audispd. I have not been able to create a rule
>> for this and have been unsuccessful on ignoring ssh requests from my
>> Nagios/Monitoring server. Anyone have a rule or anyway to get around
>> this problem? I am getting 100's of these alerts per day. I can not
>> change the monitoring at this time.
>> Received From: hids->/var/log/messages
>> Rule: 1002 fired (level 2) -> "Unknown problem somewhere in the system."
>> Portion of the log(s):
>> 2012-10-01T07:59:40.429266-06:00 hids audispd:
>> type=USER_LOGIN msg=audit(1349099980.428:16816): user pid=10188 uid=0
>> auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='op=login
>> acct=28756E6B6E6F776E207573657229 exe="/usr/sbin/sshd" hostname=?
>> addr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX terminal=ssh res=failed'
>> --
>> =================
>> Matthew Feinberg
> I'm not sure why you were having problems, but this is a simple fix:
> Add to /var/ossec/etc/local_decoder.xml:
> <decoder name="audispd">
>   <program_name>audispd</program_name>
>   <regex>node=(\S+) \.+ addr=(\S+) terminal=</regex>
>   <order>extra_data,srcip</order>
> </decoder>
> Add to /var/ossec/rles/local_rules.xml:
>   <rule id="110005" level="3">
>     <decoded_as>audispd</decoded_as>
>     <srcip>XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX</srcip> <!-- FIX THIS -->
>     <description>Blah</description>
>   </rule>
> Restart OSSEC. Try again.


Matthew Feinberg

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