I see this topic come up a lot and I have dealt with the question from 
auditors too. Unless you have full auditing enabled, the simple answer is 

Think about this -- a file is writable by the owner and a group - the group 
contains 1000 users. Auditd is NOT enabled. One of those 1000 users that 
has the ability to modify the file and indeed they do. Unix checks the 
perms and verifies that the uid or gid has permission to modify the file. 
It does, it is allowed.

No place in the inode or the directory entry is any information kept on who 
modified the file. Why? Because it has to be someone that is authorized to 
do it. Therefore the only way to track this data is to have another process 
monitor everything users are doing - i.e. "auditd" running, in order to 
track this.

At one point I had an auditor tell me "But tripwire does this." Um, no it 
does not. Tripwire shows that the file was changed and who the owner of the 
file is. Based on this, auditors sometimes assume that it was the owner 
changing the folder, which is not the case.

Additionally, if a user has sudo privs to one of the UIDs or GIDs - well, 
that pretty much throws it all out the window.

Take a look at "auditd" and if you are willing to accept the load it may 
present on your system, then this will solve the question you are asking. 
Otherwise, you are not going to be able to do it.  It is all about 
understanding what information is stored in an inode and the directory 
entry. (And the directory entry is minimal -- filename, inode #)


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