I've spent a few months fine tuning and correcting problems with a new 
feature I required to analyze logs from OpenLDAP.  I'm now looking for 
comments and testers as the patch has been running stably and has been 
invaluable to me.

The write-up is 
here: http://db0.us/article/2012/11/26/ossec-hids-accumulator.html
Patch is here: https://gist.github.com/4150352
My fork of the repository on GitHub: https://github.com/reyjrar/ossec-hids

# Overview

OpenLDAP logs are multi-line, but also vary in the number and ordering of 
the lines.  Each line contains a connection ID and only the relevant 
information; connect has IP's and ports, bind has username only, and the 
status line has only the result of the operation.  A requirement of our PCI 
audit was to be able to see when a single IP fails non-anonymous BINDs more 
than 10 times.

It seemed like a simple task, but I quickly realized this type of log file 
wasn't easily handled by the current OSSEC feature set.  So I figured, if 
each line has the same ID, I could write a module that used that connection 
ID as a key to cache that data.  This patch does just that.  As more data 
is made available, the accumulator patch stuffs that data into the 
EventInfo of subsequent identically keyed events.  Here's an example of the 
flow with the decoder setup as in the blog post:

Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd[20872]: conn=999999 fd=64 ACCEPT from 
> IP= (IP= 

Accumulator Key: "hostname openldap 999999"

Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd[20872]: conn=999999 op=0 BIND 
> dn="uid=example,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" method=128

Accumulator Key: "hostname openldap 999999"
  username: example

Jan 11 09:26:57 hostname slapd[20872]: conn=999999 op=0 RESULT tag=97 
> err=49 text=

Accumulator Key: "hostname openldap 999999"
  username: example

So, at this result event, we have all the data from the previous two log 
entries and can create a rule:

<rule id="100000" level="1">
  <match> RESULT tag=97 err=49</match>

<rule id="100001" level="10" frequency="5" timeframe="60">
  <description>Multiple failed-logins from same source IP</description></rule>

Which will work just like the OpenSSH rule we already have enabled.


Brad Lhotsky

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