Take a look at "Security-Onion"

This combines tools like Snort and OSSEC and brings it into a single 
platform. There is also a "SecurityOnion" for Splunk that expands on this 


On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 10:56:49 AM UTC-8, Leonardo Pezente wrote:
> im a noob in ossec, but i think it was a good idea to have in my nids 
> machine.
> he is aready running, and now i want to him to send an e-mail of possible 
> problem, of he and my nids(snort) detect, but i dont have idea how to do 
> that.
> i have snort send alerts to my syslog, and i put the syscheck in 1 hour.
> i have create an e-mail just for that, and i have change the global for 
> send e-mail.
> So, he will send e-mail every 0ne hour or i have to make more some think?

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