You should take a look at this patch:!search/accumulator/ossec-dev/NfQaFREyCHI/ycoRVq6YD_gJ

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 8:21:51 AM UTC-8, Mike Hubbard wrote:
> Hello -
> I am trying to construct a set of rules that cause a change in behavior if 
> a certain thing happens.
> My first rule catches a particular line from a log file and has an ID of 
> 100500.
> Then I have a set of rules that look something like this:
>   <rule id="100524" level="3" frequency="1" timeframe="300">
>     <if_matched_sid>100500</if_matched_sid>
>     <if_sid>550</if_sid>
>     <match>/a/file/im/interested/in</match>
>     <description>Acceptable update of 
> /a/file/im/interested/in</description>
>   </rule>
>   <rule id="100525" level="3" frequency="1" timeframe="300">
>     <if_matched_sid>100500</if_matched_sid>
>     <if_sid>550</if_sid>
>     <match>/a/differentfile/im/interested/in</match>
>     <description>Acceptable update of 
> /a/differentfile/im/interested/in</description>
>   </rule>
> This works just great - the first time through.  If, within the 5 minute 
> period, one of the files is modified, then either rule 100524 or 100525 
> triggers. 
> But that is the end of my show.  I've been interpreting frequency and 
> timeframe as count of alerts within the time period - but it appears to me 
> that my count of alerts is being reset after the first composite rule 
> fires.  Is it not "legal" to have multiple rules watching the frequency of 
> some other rule?  Is there some other simpler problem here with my rules?
> Thank you

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