
Is anyone using OSSEC => syslog => Logstash => Kibana for their setup?
We found out that the netstat -tan diff ran by syscheck gives only the 
first line of the diff:

<132>Jan 27 11:37:43 local-machine-001 ossec: Alert Level: 7; Rule: 533 - 
Listened ports status (netstat)

changed (new port opened or closed).; Location: local-machine-001->netstat 
-tan |grep LISTEN |grep -v | sort; ossec: output:

'netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |grep -v | sort' and it does not show 
the diff output (the 2 netstat -tan outputs).

Does anyone else has this issue and if so, how did you fix it with 
OSSEC 2.7.1 on Red Hat 6 64 bit (Atomic repo) and OSSEC and Logstash/Kibana 
run on 2 seperate machines.



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