You can use active response to verify an alert,


<!-- DEMOTE the netstat rule and make it STFU -->
<rule id=100000 level=1>
  <match>ossec: output: 'netstat'</match>
  <description>Netstat Listening Ports Changed, verify</description>

<!-- Escalate if we verify --> 
<rule id=100001 level=12>
  <description>Netstat Verified Listening Ports Changed</description>




<!-- OSSEC ActiveResponse to Verify Alerts -->

<decoder name="ossec-ar-verify">

    Crontab Verify Sample:
     - Aug 30 16:33:13 puppet-03 ossec-ar-verify: crontab root control:puppet - 
puppet:2012-05-23T10:39:36 file:2012-08-30T14:33:13
<decoder name="ossec-ar-verify-crontab">
    <prematch>^crontab </prematch>
    <regex offset="after_prematch">^(\S+)</regex>

<decoder name="ossec-ar-verify-file">
    <prematch>^file </prematch>
    <regex offset="after_prematch">^(\S+)</regex>

<decoder name="ossec-ar-verify-netstat">
    <prematch>^netstat </prematch>
    <regex offset="after_prematch">^(\S+)</regex>

Then have your script do run netstat with your wrapper, compare it to the 
previous run, though you’ll need to baseline it either via your config 
management system or by looking at the OSSEC history in /var/ossec/queue/diff/  
though I don’t remember off-hand where those are stored.  If there’s a new 
port, then:
     logger -t ossec-ar-verify "netstat $PORT new/missing/whatever"

And if there are no results, just don’t syslog anything.  Really easy way to 
abuse ActiveResponse to work for you.

Brad Lhotsky

On 10 Feb 2014 at 04:49:35, scoobydooxp ( wrote:

I'd really like to run the netstat check on our FTP server. Whenever an FTP 
Data connection opens on a random high port, OSSEC alerts about netstat 
changing. Is there a way to run a custom netstat wrapper? I wrote a netstat 
wrapper that uses -p to exclude vsftpd high ports but OSSEC does not seem to 
like the command. Any tips please?

Thanks in advance,
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