On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 2:40 AM, 'Bart Nukats' via ossec-list
<ossec-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hello Dan,
> Thanks for the explanation, so if i set up cron to overwrite all rids to the
> lowest value or no value at all it will sort this out permanently, or is
> there any way of disabling this feature?

Yes, there is an option to turn it off. Obviously we don't recommend
doing that because it is a security feature, but some setups are

Set remoted.verify_msg_id to 0 in internal_options.conf to disable the
rids check.

> Br,
> On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 14:47:49 UTC+2, Bart Nukats wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm having issues with agents, I'm unable to successfully reconnect them,
>> tried almost everything, but nothing helps, therefore asking for help here.
>> Info:
>> I'm using OSSEC HIDS v2.7.1
>> Servers IP:
>> Agent IP:
>> Firewall: No local or remote firewall is enabled, everything is allowed as
>> the traffic goes to the switch and comes back to the host.
>> It stopped working right after i rebooted my computer (was working fine
>> for 3 days) I didn't change anything nor modify anything
>> Log data:
>> from agent log:
>> 2014/05/14 14:25:31 ossec-agent: INFO: Started (pid: 6684).
>> 2014/05/14 14:25:41 ossec-agent: WARN: Process locked. Waiting for
>> permission...
>> 2014/05/14 14:25:51 ossec-agent(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not
>> started). Tried: ''.
>> 2014/05/14 14:25:53 ossec-agent: INFO: Trying to connect to server
>> (
>> 2014/05/14 14:25:53 ossec-agent: INFO: Using IPv4 for: .
>> 2014/05/14 14:26:14 ossec-agent(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not
>> started). Tried: ''.
>> 2014/05/14 14:26:34 ossec-agent: INFO: Trying to connect to server
>> (
>> 2014/05/14 14:26:34 ossec-agent: INFO: Using IPv4 for: .
>> 2014/05/14 14:26:55 ossec-agent(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not
>> started). Tried: ''.
>> 2014/05/14 14:27:33 ossec-agent: INFO: Trying to connect to server
>> (
>> 2014/05/14 14:27:33 ossec-agent: INFO: Using IPv4 for: .
>> 2014/05/14 14:27:54 ossec-agent(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not
>> started). Tried: ''.
>> 2014/05/14 14:28:50 ossec-agent: INFO: Trying to connect to server
>> (
>> 2014/05/14 14:28:50 ossec-agent: INFO: Using IPv4 for: .
>> 2014/05/14 14:29:11 ossec-agent(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not
>> started). Tried: ''.
>> From wireshark on agent:
>> Everything seems fine
>> From OSSEC server:
>> listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
>> 14:26:02.058989 IP > UDP, length 78
>> 14:26:08.059936 IP > UDP, length 78
>> 14:26:10.081897 IP > UDP, length 78
>> 14:26:16.082880 IP > UDP, length 78
>> 14:26:20.082857 IP > UDP, length 78
>> 14:26:25.083823 IP > UDP, length 78
>> 14:26:31.083738 IP > UDP, length 78
>> It receives the packets from the agent (compared with wireshark from
>> agent, everything seems the same)
>> from Server logs:
>> /var/ossec/logs# tail -f ossec.log
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:07 ossec-remoted: WARN: Duplicate error:  global: 0,
>> local: 51, saved global: 219, saved local:3548
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:07 ossec-remoted(1407): ERROR: Duplicated counter for
>> 'stakub01'.
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:13 ossec-remoted: WARN: Duplicate error:  global: 0,
>> local: 52, saved global: 219, saved local:3548
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:13 ossec-remoted(1407): ERROR: Duplicated counter for
>> 'stakub01'.
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:17 ossec-remoted: WARN: Duplicate error:  global: 0,
>> local: 53, saved global: 219, saved local:3548
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:17 ossec-remoted(1407): ERROR: Duplicated counter for
>> 'stakub01'.
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:22 ossec-remoted: WARN: Duplicate error:  global: 0,
>> local: 54, saved global: 219, saved local:3548
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:22 ossec-remoted(1407): ERROR: Duplicated counter for
>> 'stakub01'.
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:28 ossec-remoted: WARN: Duplicate error:  global: 0,
>> local: 55, saved global: 219, saved local:3548
>> 2014/05/14 14:43:28 ossec-remoted(1407): ERROR: Duplicated counter for
>> 'stakub01'.
>> I've checked the agents and there is only one username stakub01 - mine, so
>> i don't understand the message
>> 1) i've re-installed the agent - put all the values again, the agent
>> registered - Status: RUnning..."
>> 2) I've restarted the management server couple of times, still the same
>> issue
>> 3) rebooted the linux server where ossec is - still the same issue
>> 4) the only viable solution would be to get rid of the duplicates? But how
>> did they get there?
>> Br,
> --
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