I am alert when a specifics process called ""stree" uses most cpu

 ps -e -o pcpu,pmem,args --sort=pcpu|tail -n 1 |grep stress

The above comment returns nothing when stress in not in top otherwise 
return something like 93.4  0.0 stress -c 1 -t 60s

I made this changes


    <command>ps -e -o pcpu,pmem,args --sort=pcpu|tail -n 1|grep 


  <rule id="100003" level="8">
    <match>ossec: output: 'ps -e</match>
    <check_diff />
    <description>Stress program have Highest CPU usage</description>

It is similar to netstat -tan  example given in doc.  It is suppose to 
work.When run the "stress" , its not reporting but able to list is with ps 
-e -o pcpu,pmem,args --sort=pcpu|tail -n 1|grep stress. 

Plz help, I am using "local" setup


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