thank dan !. My goal is to send mail alerts OSSEC to one group when there 
are warnings at certain levels.I will try to read the documentation. thank 
for help dan

Vào 01:00:08 UTC+7 Thứ sáu, ngày 18 tháng bảy năm 2014, Nguyễn Văn Hớn đã 
> I have group " AdminOSSEC" and two user " adminQL" and  " adminKH"
> mail two user that is and
> that is my  config in server. i have restart ossec server but i don't have 
> mail alert when config with group email. please help me. thank !
>  <alerts>
>   <log_alert_level>3</log_alert_level>
>   <email_alert_level>6</email_alert_level>
> </alerts>
> <email_alerts>
>   <group>AdminOSSEC</group>
>   <email_to></email_to>
> </email_alerts>
> <email_alerts>
>   <email_to></email_to>
>   <group>AdminOSSEC</group>
>   <level>10</level>
> </email_alerts>
> <email_alerts>
>   <email_to></email_to>
>   <group>syscheck</group>
> </email_alerts>


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