On 07/16/2014 09:55 PM, Lance A. Brown wrote:
I have a request to tune the output of Rule 18152: Multiple Windows
Logon Failures.  They would like:

Ok, let's step through this. Unfortunately, we'll probably end up at a point where I show that it won't work, but the process is important to understand.

First, when attempting to tune a composite rule like this one, it's usually best to refer to the atomic rule that it references. In this case, it references a group, which of course is several rules, so your reference rule would be the group instead,

1. More than 5 failed logins to a single user should be identified so we
can act on it.

OSSEC has a same_user option for this purpose, so the rule might look something like this:

<rule id="100000" level="15" frequency="6" timeframe="240">
  <same_user />
<description>Custom: multiple failed logins from the same user</description>

A few things to note here:

1. I used the value of 6 for frequency, which is what MS_FREQ is expanded to in rules/msauth_rules.xml. 2. I increased the level to 15 to ensure that it will match before rule 18152. 3. Frequency of 6 does not mean 6 failed login attempts. It means 8. This is due to a bug (IMHO) or a design decision (http://marc.info/?l=ossec-list&m=129736702512080&w=2), depending on your perspective.

So the English translation here is: If you see 8 failed logins from the same user within 4 minutes, fire the rule.

Now I'm going to tell you why it probably won't work. The Windows decoder probably isn't pulling the user name out properly for the same_user option to work properly, and if it is, then it might be SYSTEM. Windows often logs the user name as SYSTEM in the normal spot where the user name should go with authentication failures. The reason, I have been told, is that since Windows hasn't successfully authenticated the user, that user name is not valid and so it uses SYSTEM instead.

2. More than 10 failed logins to a single device for any user be
identified so we can act it.

This one is a bit easier. Instead of using <same_user />, use <same_location /> instead. And, of course, pay heed to the frequency note above.

3. All other instants of Windows Logon Failures should be set to lower
alert level

When you define specific rules that are meant to match on something and they don't, OSSEC will continue processing rules until it finds one that matches, or not. So write your rules most to least specific, and from highest severity to lowest (except for level 0, which is processed first), and then the last rule will match.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have questions.


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