On Mon, 12 Jan 2015, Christopher Dangerfield wrote:

After going through a security audit with my current employer something
came up that I cannot figure out how to solve. No one online seems to have
ran into this. The auditor wants us to log and alert access to the
/var/ossec/logs folder. I can do this, but every alert creates a log change
thus creates another alert and log change, etc, etc, etc. Has anyone ever
had to do this and cold help me?

I've dealt with clueless auditors making requirements like this before (what I call checkbox secureity because they don't understand what's going on, they are just tryingto check off all the boxes in their checklist)

What I've done is a combination of a few things.

1st, the logs in question are on a dedicated box that doesn't get accessed much. As such, the logs could only be tampered with during the time that someone is logged in to the box.

2nd, document the different risks from reading the logs vs changing them. In the vast majority of cases you don't care about reading the logs, only changes to them.

3rd, accept that you aren't going to be able to log every write to the log, due to the recursion that you are running into (yes, you could log elsewhere, but then how is that log protected?). Instead you accept that there is a small window that the logs could be tampered with and have a periodic job generate a checksum of the log to that point (what you record needs to have both the checksum and the number of lines that checksum covers). Then you need to get this checksum off the machine to somewhere more protected (a write-once medium like a printer with continuous feed paper that can print one line at a time is perfect for this)

Other things you can do is to get the logs out of ossec to something like rsyslog that includes a couple different mechanisms that you can use for a critical log:

a chain of hashes that tie all the lines of the logs together so that it's not possible to tamper with the log without re-writng the entire log file

support for using a thrid party service to record and sign checksums that prove that the log wasn't tampered with

If you do actually have to show that you have a log of any access to the file, then you have a couple choices

1. consider that anytime someone was logged into the box with the appropriate privileges to read the file that it was read at that time.

2. audit all reads of the file but not writes (so that writes don't trigger recursive writes.

And the most important thing to remember is that the Auditor is not able to lay down rules about what you must to on their own. They are supposed to be working to make sure that you are implementing the stated policy. The vast majority of the time, the policy they are checking that you are following is a policy written by your organization, so make sure that your policies don't say that you do the impossible.

Evn in cases like PCI audits this applies. PCI says that you must do some things, but it doesn't say how in any technical details, instead they are saying what your company policies must cover. It's then up to your company policies to say how you are achieving the goal set by the PCI policies. The PCI auditors then do checks in two stages, they first check that your policies comply with the PCI policies, then they check that you are following your policies.

A log of auditors like to forget this and think they know a lot more than they actually do, so when you run into an unreasonable auditor like you have here (and after you have made sure that your policies don't say that you do the impossible), your management should go to the auditors company and say that they are being unreasonable.

David Lang

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