Oh yeah, it probably didn't work because I didn't have if_sid maybe the 
first time I was doing this.

On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 4:07:21 PM UTC-6, Phillipa Moorea wrote:
> I didn't know how to get the rule to match the log id.  I tried doing the 
> <id>^500$</id> for example, but it didn't work for me.
> This used to be my rule when I was messing around with it:
> <rule id="100210" level="6">
>   <id>^400$|^403$|^500$|^501$|^600$</id>
>   <description>Powershell Event.</description>
> </rule>
> I also have the problem in which opening PowerShell and running Get-Date 
> creates like 22 different alerts :(.  In the logs I notice that there is a 
> SequenceNumber, but I'm not sure how to use that to say generate 1 alert 
> for opening powershell, and 1 alert for running a command.  Or just 1 alert 
> for opening and running a single command.
> Just by opening the powershell window I get 24 events.  The SequenceNumber 
> iterates like this:
> Event Log 1   - 1
> Event Log 2   - 3
> Event Log 3   - 5
> Event Log 4   - 7
> Event Log 5   - 9
> Event Log 6   - 11
> Event Log 7   - 13
> Event Log 8   - 15
> Event Log 9   - 16
> Event Log 10 - 17
> Event Log 11 - 18
> Event Log 12 - 19
> Event Log 13 - 20
> Event Log 14 - 21
> Event Log 15 - 22
> Event Log 16 - 23
> Event Log 17 - 24
> Event Log 18 - 25
> Event Log 19 - 26
> Event Log 20 - 27
> Event Log 21 - 28
> Event Log 22 - 29
> Event Log 23 - 30
> Event Log 24 - 31
> Then I run Get-Date and I get 24 new logs where Event Log 1-24 matches up 
> with SequenceNumber 32-55
> Then I close PowerShell and get 1 new Event Log with SequenceNumber 56
> When I open PowerShell again, the SequenceNumber repeats back to 1
> On Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 4:13:03 PM UTC-6, Daniel wrote:
>> So basically what you're doing is looking for INFO logs and then matching 
>> the log content and not the actual log ID? Interesting. My general rule 
>> workflow is this: 
>> If OS=WINDOWS, then if TYPE=ERROR/INFO/WARN/etc, then if EVENTID=x, then 
>> create alert with LEVEL=y.
>> Types can be referenced in <ossec-dir>/rules/msauth_rules.xml, with 18101 
>> being informational. Also, check out "
>> http://www.ossec.net/ossec-docs/OSSEC-book-ch4.pdf";
>> My basic powershell rule looks like the following:
>> <!-- BEGIN "Windows PowerShell.evtx" Rules -->
>>   <rule id="104010" level="7">
>>     <if_sid>18101</if_sid>
>>     <id>^400$|^403$</id>
>>     <Match>PowerShell</Match>
>>     <description>PowerShell Started/Stopped.</description>
>>     <info>From "Windows PowerShell.evtx"</info>
>>   </rule>
>> <!-- END "Windows PowerShell.evtx" Rules -->
>> On Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 4:02:25 PM UTC-5, Phillipa Moorea wrote:
>>> Thanks for all the help from you (Santiago), from dan, some other posts 
>>> on here, github repository issues, a book I bought on ossec for $10, and 
>>> the work of the OSSEC developers that made the 2.8.3 update, and of course 
>>> the people in the AlienVault Labs!
>>> I was now able to get the alerts working.  I analyzed the PowerShell 
>>> logs and changed my rules a bit.  Here is what I changed it too:
>>> <group name="powershell,">
>>>   <rule id="100210" level="0">
>>>     <if_sid>18100,18101</if_sid>
>>>     <match>CommandType=Script</match>
>>>     <description>Powershell Script.</description>
>>>   </rule>
>>>   <rule id="100211" level="0">
>>>     <if_sid>18100,18101</if_sid>
>>>     <match>CommandType=Cmdlet</match>
>>>     <description>Powershell Command.</description>
>>>   </rule>
>>>   <rule id="100212" level="0">
>>>     <if_sid>18100,18101</if_sid>
>>>     <match>CommandType=Function</match>
>>>     <description>Powershell Function.</description>
>>>   </rule>  
>>>   <rule id="100213" level="2">
>>>     <if_sid>100210</if_sid>
>>>     <match>NewCommandState=Started</match>
>>>     <description>Powershell Script (500-Started).</description>
>>>   </rule>
>>>   <rule id="100214" level="2">
>>>     <if_sid>100210</if_sid>
>>>     <match>NewCommandState=Stopped</match>
>>>     <description>Powershell Script (501-Stopped).</description>
>>>   </rule>  
>>>   <rule id="100215" level="2">
>>>     <if_sid>100211</if_sid>
>>>     <match>NewCommandState=Started</match>
>>>     <description>Powershell Command (500-Started).</description>
>>>   </rule>
>>>   <rule id="100216" level="2">
>>>     <if_sid>100211</if_sid>
>>>     <match>NewCommandState=Stopped</match>
>>>     <description>Powershell Command (501-Stopped).</description>
>>>   </rule>  
>>>   <rule id="100217" level="2">
>>>     <if_sid>100212</if_sid>
>>>     <match>NewCommandState=Started</match>
>>>     <description>Powershell Function (500-Started).</description>
>>>   </rule>
>>> ...


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