problem solved.....this is too embarrassing :(((
epic fail!

Am Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2015 10:54:45 UTC+1 schrieb theresa mic-snare:
> hmm it looks as so ossec-maild has a problem with my ssmtp
> ssmtp works fine, because it sent me an automated/generated email at 2:43 
> in the morning.
> i've set DEBUGGING=yes in the ssmtp.conf but the logs don't show any more 
> info to debug....
> what surprises me is that on netstat ssmtp isn't showing any open 
> connectings.
> to me it looks like it's only opening a connection when it wants to send 
> an email, there's no permanent open connection.
> here's my ssmtp.conf
> AuthUser=xx...@gmail.com
> AuthPass=xxxxx
> FromLineOverride=YES
> mailhub=smtp.gmail.com:587
> TLS_CA_File=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
> Debug=YES
> and my open connections:
> netstat -tulpen
> Active Internet connections (only servers)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address           
>   State       User       Inode      PID/Program name   
> tcp        0      0      *                 
>   LISTEN      27         3725594    1313/mysqld         
> tcp        0      0        *                 
>   LISTEN      0          11227      1216/sshd           
> tcp        0      0 :::22                       :::*                     
>    LISTEN      0          11232      1216/sshd           
> tcp        0      0 :::8080                     :::*                     
>    LISTEN      0          11642      1550/httpd          
> tcp        0      0 :::80                       :::*                     
>    LISTEN      0          11638      1550/httpd          
> udp        0      0      *                 
>               0          13181      1926/ossec-remoted  
> udp        0      0 *                 
>               0          11350      1256/ntpd           
> udp        0      0     *                 
>               0          11346      1256/ntpd           
> udp        0      0       *                 
>               0          11339      1256/ntpd           
> udp        0      0 ::1:123                     :::*                     
>                0          11352      1256/ntpd           
> udp        0      0 fe80::5054:ff:fef6:4b74:123 :::*                     
>                0          11351      1256/ntpd           
> udp        0      0 :::123                      :::*                     
>                0          11340      1256/ntpd   
> I'm happy to do a TCPdump but at the moment I don't really know what to 
> filter for...
> is ossec--maild listening on a specific port or default 25 port for smtp?
> thanks,
> theresa
> Am Montag, 21. Dezember 2015 14:00:56 UTC+1 schrieb dan (ddpbsd):
>> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 7:50 AM, theresa mic-snare 
>> <rockpr...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > Hi everyone, 
>> > 
>> > today I've noticed a problem with the ossec-maild process. 
>> > The ossec.log keeps saying 
>> > 
>> > ossec-maild(1223): ERROR: Error Sending email to (smtp 
>> server) 
>> > 
>> > Of course I started troubleshooting the problem and tried to send 
>> several 
>> > test-emails from the ossec master. 
>> > I'm using ssmtp through my google-mail account by the way. 
>> > All test mails that I sent arrived immediately, so sending mails 
>> through my 
>> > MTA seems to work as usual. 
>> > 
>> > Then I checked the mail log /var/log/maillog-20151220 
>> > which to my surprise has the latest mail entry from yesterday 19:30 
>> > Dec 19 19:30:03 tron sSMTP[3943]: Sent mail for b...@bla.org (221 
>> 2.0.0 
>> > closing connection u126sm11888435wme.3 - gsmtp) uid=48 username=apache 
>> > outbytes=1898 
>> > 
>> > changed the email address to b...@bla.org for demonstration 
>> purposes... 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > at least the two test emails that I just send should appear in this 
>> log, 
>> > right? 
>> > 
>> > I know that the root cause to this problem is NOT an ossec 
>> problem....but 
>> > maybe you have an idea what the problem might be? 
>> > I've checked the quota settings in my gmail account, (so far only 10% 
>> > used...) 
>> > I've also checked the disk space on my ossec master, still 21GB left on 
>> / 
>> > (where also /var is mounted) 
>> > 
>> > so I doubt it's a quota or diskspace problem. 
>> > i've also restarted (stopped and started) ossec, to see if any zombie 
>> > processes still allocated the filesystem, and it therefore showed that 
>> > plenty of diskspace was available. 
>> > but even after the restart of ossec it still shows that it has plenty 
>> of 
>> > diskspace available. 
>> > 
>> > any other ideas how I could troubleshoot this problem? 
>> > 
>> Make sure ssmtp is still listening on 
>> Use tcpdump or something similar to sniff the traffic between 
>> ossec-maild and ssmtp. 
>> Turn on debugging on ssmtp? 
>> > thanks, 
>> > theresa 
>> > 
>> > -- 
>> > 
>> > --- 
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