On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 1:50 PM, thak <tha.kel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've seen similar topics, so apologies if this has been answered several
> times but I want to make sure I get guidance for the most recent version!
> Loving OSSEC so far having set it up in our environment a few days ago.
> However, rule 1002 is particularly chatty given our Apache error logs.
> Basically, our application's identity API has a ping function that runs
> every 5 seconds to check for an authenticated session. It will do this even
> once the user's session has timed out, so long as that browser or tab is
> open. We have a lot of customers who time out but don't close the tab
> (understandably). So when the ping.json function runs, it generates a few
> log entries with the term "error", specifically
> https://app-identity.thak.com/idm/error/...
> In our application this is obviously expected, and we can purge error_log
> when it gets too big filling with this stuff, but OSSEC is piling up alerts
> multiple times per minute, and from our security perspective it's really
> just noise.
> Can I set up a local rule to
> <match>https://app-identity.thak.com/idm/error/</match> without an email
> alert that will trump the default "Unknown problem somewhere in the system"
> alert for logs containing "error" terminology? I'm really new to writing
> custom rules but it seems like that wouldn't be too difficult, and throwing
> that local rules file on our proxies would solve this problem.

Depending on the actual log, that should work. Add an
"<if_sid>1002</if_sid>" to your custom rule to make sure it over rides
the 1002 alerts.
So something like this:
<rule id="9999999" level="0">
  <description>Ignore blah blah</description>

Put that in place and use ossec-logtest to make sure it works.

> --
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