Hello All,

Now I have successfully log on to the ASA with enable mode. Before I put 
configuration to ossec global configuration:


What the next stage? Where I am able to find the result of asa script?

On Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 5:24:29 PM UTC+2, Yurii Shatylo wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Could you give me a hand with my issue?
> I've put credentials to the *ssh_asa-fwsmconfig_diff *and as the result 
> I've got (2016/03/16 11:29:13 ossec-agentlessd: INFO: Test passed for 
> 'ssh_asa-fwsmconfig_diff). After that I deleted ACL on the cisco asa but 
> nothing happened. It seems like script which produces difference is not 
> working. 
> *There is my general config file:*
> <agentless>
>       <type>ssh_asa-fwsmconfig_diff</type>
>       <frequency>300</frequency>
>       <host>username@</host>
>       <state>periodic_diff</state>
>     </agentless> 
> *Thank you in advance.*
> *Yurii*


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