
I have to say I'm particularly unfortunate with the rootcheck daemon...am I 
the only one who keeps running into those problems?

On my manager I was checking against the system_audit_ssh.txt that checks 
the sshd_config.
I first started with the following unresolved issues

[root@manager bin]# ./rootcheck_control -q -i 000

Policy and auditing events for local system 'manager -':

Outstanding events: 

2016 Apr 02 18:31:43 (first time detected: 2016 Apr 02 18:31:43)
System Audit: System Audit: SSH Hardening - 5: Password Authentication {
PCI_DSS: 2.2.4}. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Reference: 5 .

2016 Apr 02 18:31:43 (first time detected: 2016 Apr 02 18:31:43)
System Audit: System Audit: SSH Hardening - 7: Rhost or shost used for 
authentication {PCI_DSS: 2.2.4}. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Reference: 7 .

2016 Apr 02 18:31:43 (first time detected: 2016 Apr 02 18:31:43)
System Audit: System Audit: SSH Hardening - 8: Wrong Grace Time {PCI_DSS: 
2.2.4}. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Reference: 8 .

2016 Apr 02 18:31:43 (first time detected: 2016 Apr 02 18:31:43)
System Audit: System Audit: SSH Hardening - 9: Wrong Maximum number of 
authentication attempts {PCI_DSS: 2.2.4}. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. 
Reference: 9 .

So far, so good.
I set the correct values inside sshd_config, restarted the sshd service
and waited until the rootcheck run ran again... For the troubleshooting 
sake I set the interval to 5 minutes.

But for some reason it didn't update the Outstanding events..... only 
updated the time.

[root@manager bin]# ./rootcheck_control -q -i 000

Policy and auditing events for local system 'manager -':

Outstanding events: 

2016 Apr 02 18:56:36 (first time detected: 2016 Apr 02 18:31:43)
System Audit: System Audit: SSH Hardening - 5: Password Authentication {
PCI_DSS: 2.2.4}. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Reference: 5 .

2016 Apr 02 18:31:43 (first time detected: 2016 Apr 02 18:31:43)
System Audit: System Audit: SSH Hardening - 7: Rhost or shost used for 
authentication {PCI_DSS: 2.2.4}. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Reference: 7 .

2016 Apr 02 18:56:36 (first time detected: 2016 Apr 02 18:31:43)
System Audit: System Audit: SSH Hardening - 8: Wrong Grace Time {PCI_DSS: 
2.2.4}. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Reference: 8 .

2016 Apr 02 18:31:43 (first time detected: 2016 Apr 02 18:31:43)
System Audit: System Audit: SSH Hardening - 9: Wrong Maximum number of 
authentication attempts {PCI_DSS: 2.2.4}. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. 
Reference: 9 .

I checked the syntax of the system_audit_ssh.txt but this seemed good to me
For instance the MaxAuthTries has this syntax

# MaxAuthTries 3
# The MaxAuthTries parameter specifices the maximum number of 
authentication attempts permitted per connection. Once the number of 
failures reaches half this value, additional failures are logged.
# This should be set to 3.
[SSH Hardening - 9: Wrong Maximum number of authentication attempts {PCI_DSS
: 2.2.4}] [any] [9]
f:$sshd_file -> !r:^# && r:MaxAuthTries && !r:3\s*$;
f:$sshd_file -> r:^#\s*MaxAuthTries;
f:$sshd_file -> !r:MaxAuthTries;

my sshd_config has exact this value set "MaxAuthTries 3"

At the end I simply ran 
[root@manager bin]# ./rootcheck_control -u 000

and waited for another rootcheck run.
Unfortunately it needed a full ossec restart, because simply running 
returned nothing except an empty database

[root@manager bin]# ./rootcheck_control -L -i 000

Policy and auditing events for local system 'manager -':

Can someone maybe explain this behavior to me?
Why does it need an ossec restart, when a regular rootcheck run is not able 
to update the Outstanding events successfully
or in other words:
Why is OSSEC not able to update the database even after it was flushed 
using rootcheck_control - u 000
leaving the database empty until I restart OSSEC completely??

Maybe this is just another "Pebkac" error and me being just too stupid to 
get it properly working...
anyway, I would love to hear your experiences with rootcheckd and 

I'm using VERSION="v2.9.0" at the moment, pulled from github.


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