Hello Jesus!

Thanks for getting back to me. Again :) :) I'm trying out your enhancement 
to the first decoder and trying to combine it with child-decoders from our 
previous posts. I currently have this (which obviously doesn't work), but 
how do I best create the parent-child tree to handle the slight variations 
in messages? One per action (e.g. block, prevent) and where needed use two 
child-decoders with same name to capture all field of interest - as you 
have instructed previously (i.e. one for fields action,srcip,dstip , the 
second for url, extra_data fields?

Best regards,

<decoder name="Checkpoint-test">
  <prematch>^redirect \p|^prevent \p|^allow \p|^block \p|^mail System 
Alert|\S+ alert Protection Name:</prematch>

<decoder name="Checkpoint-block-allow">
  <regex>(\w+) \S+ \S+ src: (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+); dst: 

<decoder name="Checkpoint-block-allow">
  <regex offset="after_regex">resource: (\S+); proxy_src_ip: \S+; product: 
(\.+); </regex>
  <order>url, extra_data</order>

On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 6:28:22 PM UTC+2, Jesus Linares wrote:
> Hi Fredrik,
> It is good progress. You can capture all events with:
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-test">
>   <prematch>^redirect \p|^prevent \p|^allow \p|^block \p|^mail System 
> Alert|\S+ alert Protection Name:</prematch>
>   <type>firewall</type>
> </decoder>
> I know... It is not very elegant, but it controls all your events. Also, 
> you can add a tag in the beginning of the log (by the firewall settings or 
> with *rsyslog*) and the decoder will be vey easy:
> Logs:
> *FredikFirewall *Apr 15 12:23:16 > st4600fw01n1 alert Protection Name: 
> TCP Urgent Data Enforcement; Severity: 0; Confidence Level: 0; 
> protection_id: tcp_block_urg_bit_enable; SmartDefense Profile: 
> Recommended_Protection; Performance Impact: 0; Protection Type: settings; 
> rule: 20; rule_uid: {3F67BCCB-8087-4974-95FA-F4A4FF466D49}; rule_name: 
> #sample; 
> Attack Info: TCP segment with urgent pointer (no data). Urgent data 
> indication was stripped. Please refer to sk36869.; attack: Streaming 
> Engine: TCP Urgent Data Enforcement; Total logs: 3; Suppressed logs: 2; 
> proto: tcp; dst:; src:; product: SmartDefense; 
> service: https; s_port: 56814; FollowUp: Not Followed; product_family: 
> Network;
> Decoder:
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-test">
>   <prematch>^FredikFirewall </prematch>
>   <type>firewall</type>
> </decoder>
> Regards,
> Jesus Linares.
> On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 3:47:17 PM UTC+2, Fredrik wrote:
> Hello Jesus!
> Story continues. Just wanted to let you know that I have been able, with 
> help, to unify ALL the messages for easier handling in OSSEC. Thing is now 
> that the hostname is extracted automagically (by OSSEC) from the message 
> and I guess can't be used for my prematch, or? Ossec-logtest will treat the 
> hostname as part of the header and start the 'Log:' section with e.g. 
> block <eth6 mail src:; dst:; protocol     ...
> How would you tackle this? Right a prematch with all operative words 
> (actions) that is used with the messages I'm interested in (e.g. 
> ^allow|^block|^prevent|^redirect)? In my scenario this shouldn't conflict 
> with other type of messages. I'm guessing that you Ossec-pros will have 
> options and better alternative though ;) I would also like to match the 
> decoder regardless of which node in the firewall cluster is the source of 
> the event? I The two possibilities are st4600fw01n1 and st4600fw01n2 .
> Here are more message samples:
> pr 15 14:41:53 st4600fw01n1 allow <eth6 mail src:; dst: 
>; proto: tcp; appi_name: ******; app_desc: ******; app_id: 
> 60461422; app_category: ******; matched_category: ******; app_properties: 
> ******; app_risk: ******; app_rule_id: ******; app_rule_name: ******; 
> web_client_type: Chrome; web_server_type: Apache; app_sig_id: 60461422:1; 
> resource: 
> http://strongvpn.com/difference_between_proxy_and_vpn.html?utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=sem&gclid=Cj0KEQjwosK4BRCYhsngx4_SybcBEiQAowaCJTFp6qNVmL7E-BhfeTkQouJTwpHN5v1wslK79jD62k4aAqBB8P8HAQ;
> proxy_src_ip:; product: Application Control; service: http; 
> s_port: 59319; product_family: Network;
> Apr 15 14:21:37 st4600fw01n1 redirect <eth1 alert web_client_type: Chrome; 
> resource: 
> http://sc1.checkpoint.com/za/images/threatwiki/pages/TestAntiBotBlade.html; 
> src:; dst:; proto: tcp; session_id: 
> {0x5710dcd1,0x10002,0xc50d2e0a,0xc0000000}; Protection name: Check Point - 
> Testing Bot; malware_family: Check Point; Source OS: Windows; Confidence 
> Level: 5; severity: 2; malware_action: Communication with C&C site; 
> rule_uid: {9AF67731-0D35-4117-AF2B-9A47F9396D26}; Protection Type: URL 
> reputation; malware_rule_id: {000000CE-00A4-0046-9658-621EA5468654}; 
> protection_id: 00233CFEE; log_id: 2; proxy_src_ip:; scope: 
>; product: Anti Malware; service: http; s_port: 57878;
> Apr 15 05:35:51 st4600fw01n1 prevent <eth6 alert src:; dst: 
>; proto: tcp; session_id: 
> {0x57106197,0x10003,0xc50d2e0a,0xc0000001}; Protection name: 
> Trojan.Win32.HackerDefender.C; malware_family: HackerDefender; Source OS: 
> Solaris; Confidence Level: 5; severity: 4; malware_action: Malicious 
> network activity; rule_uid: {25157EEE-C09C-4FE0-A872-E0A1486526B8}; 
> rule_name: #extweb; Protection Type: protection; malware_rule_id: 
> {000000CE-00A4-0046-9658-621EA5468654}; protection_id: 000043FBC; log_id: 
> 2; scope:; product: Anti Malware; service: http; s_port: 49228;
> Apr 15 14:13:17 st4600fw01n1 block <eth6 mail src:; dst: 
>; proto: tcp; appi_name: ******; app_desc: ******; app_id: 
> 1875144601; app_category: ******; matched_category: ******; app_properties: 
> ******; app_risk: ******; app_rule_id: ******; app_rule_name: ******; 
> web_client_type: Chrome; web_server_type: Other: nginx; resource: 
> http://adx.adform.net/adx/?rp=3&pv=1&bWlkPTk3ODMyJmN0dXJsPWh0dHA6Ly9mdXNpb24uYm9ubmllcnRpZHNrcmlmdGVyLnNlL2V2ZW50L2ZsaXlmL2J0LmVrb25vbWkucGFmLnJvcy8xNDc3OTkyNzcvY2xpY2s_dXJsPQ&bWlkPTk3ODMxJmN0dXJsPWh0dHA6Ly9mdXNpb24uYm9ubmllcnRpZHNrcmlmdGVyLnNlL2V2ZW50L2V0YnN3L2J0LmVrb25vbWkucGFmLnJvcy8xNDc3OTkyNzAvY2xpY2s_dXJsPQ&bWlkPTk3ODI5JmN0dXJsPWh0dHA6Ly9mdXNpb24uYm9ubmllcnRpZHNrcmlmdGVyLnNlL2V2ZW50L3FmdWh5L2J0LmVrb25vbWkucGFmLnJvcy8xNDc3OTkyNTYvY2xpY2s_dXJsPQ&callback=_adform_cb_1460722287088_3438587873323349;
> proxy_src_ip:; product: URL Filtering; service: http; s_port: 
> 51190; product_family: Network;
> Apr 15 11:16:05 st4600fw01n1 block <eth6 mail src:; dst: 
>; proto: tcp; appi_name: ******; app_desc: ******; app_id: 
> 3723664659; app_category: ******; matched_category: ******; app_properties: 
> ******; app_risk: ******; app_rule_id: ******; app_rule_name: ******; 
> web_client_type: Chrome; web_server_type: Apache; resource: 
> http://cdn.wibiya.com/Toolbars/dir_0650/Toolbar_650079/Loader_650079.js; 
> proxy_src_ip:; product: URL Filtering; service: http; s_port: 
> 61907; product_family: Network;
> The two outliers now are the messages below. Not quite sure how to handle 
> them, but two additional decoders seem required, At least I'm down to two 
> outliers and not a whole bunch of exceptions as previously :) :) What would 
> be your take on how to treat these two?
> Mar  7 13:07:53 sto-fwm03 mail System Alert message: A Firewall Policy has 
> been successfully installed on st4600fw01n1; Object: st4600fw01n1; Event: 
> Change; Parameter: policy_time; Condition: changes Mon Mar  7 13:03:42 
> 2016; Current value: Mon Mar  7 13:08:48 2016; product: Test Monitor; 
> product_family: Network;
> Apr 15 12:23:16 > st4600fw01n1 alert Protection Name: TCP Urgent Data 
> Enforcement; Severity: 0; Confidence Level: 0; protection_id: 
> tcp_block_urg_bit_enable; SmartDefense Profile: Recommended_Protection; 
> Performance Impact: 0; Protection Type: settings; rule: 20; rule_uid: 
> {3F67BCCB-8087-4974-95FA-F4A4FF466D49}; rule_name: #sample; Attack Info: 
> TCP segment with urgent pointer (no data). Urgent data indication was 
> stripped. Please refer to sk36869.; attack: Streaming Engine: TCP Urgent 
> Data Enforcement; Total logs: 3; Suppressed logs: 2; proto: tcp; dst: 
>; src:; product: SmartDefense; service: https; 
> s_port: 56814; FollowUp: Not Followed; product_family: Network;
> Best regards,
> Fredrik 
> On Friday, April 1, 2016 at 1:18:17 PM UTC+2, Jesus Linares wrote:
> Hi Fredrik,
> here an example of decoding allow/block events (with the option 
> *after_regex*):
> <!--
> pattern:
> Mar 29 09:04:21 Mar 29 8:52:29 st4600fw01n1 Text
> -->
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-test">
>   <prematch>^\w\w\w \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \S+ </prematch>
>   <type>firewall</type>
> </decoder>
> <!--
> Mar 30 09:03:56 Mar 30 8:52:05 st4600fw01n1 allow <eth6 mail 
> src:; dst:; proto: tcp; bytes: 2396; sent_bytes: 
> 1180; received_bytes: 1216; app_id: 10063753; browse_time: ******; 
> Suppressed logs: 19; Referrer_self_uid: ******; product: Application 
> Control; service: http; s_port: 64136; product_family: Network;
> -->
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-block-allow">
>   <parent>Checkpoint-test</parent>
>   <prematch offset="after_parent">^block|^allow</prematch>
>   <regex offset="after_parent">(\w+) \S+ \S+ src: (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+); dst: 
> (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)</regex>
>   <order>action,srcip,dstip</order>
> </decoder>
> <!--
> Checkpoint-block-allow: extra fields: resource and product
> Mar 30 09:03:35 Mar 30 8:51:43 st4600fw01n1 allow <eth6 mail 
> src:; dst:; proto: tcp; appi_name: ******; 
> app_desc: ******; app_id: 10063753; app_category: ******; matched_category: 
> ******; app_properties: ******; app_risk: ******; app_rule_id: ******; 
> app_rule_name: ******; web_client_type: Chrome; web_server_type: 
> Microsoft-IIS; app_sig_id: 10063753:5; resource: 
> http://www.aliveproxy.com/; proxy_src_ip:; product: 
> Application Control; service: http; s_port: 64136; product_family: Network;
> -->
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-block-allow">
>   <parent>Checkpoint-test</parent>
>   <regex offset="after_regex">resource: (\S+); proxy_src_ip: \S+; 
> product: (\.+); </regex>
>   <order>url, extra_data</order>
> </decoder>
> I recommend you configure all your checkpoint devices with the same log 
> format. If you can't you could use *several parents*:
> <!--
> pattern:
> Mar 29 09:04:21 Mar 29 8:52:29 st4600fw01n1 Text
> -->
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-test">
>   <prematch>^\w\w\w \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \S+ </prematch>
>   <type>firewall</type>
> </decoder>
> <!--
> pattern:
> Mar 30 10:04:39 redirect <eth1 alert web_client_type: Chrome; 
> resource: 
> http://sc1.checkpoint.com/za/images/threatwiki/pages/TestAntiBotBlade.html; 
> src:; dst:; proto: tcp; session_id: 
> {0x56fb8896,0x10009,0xc50d2e0a,0xc0000001}; Protection name: Check Point - 
> Testing Bot; malware_family: Check Point; Source OS: Windows; Confidence 
> Level: 5; severity: 2; malware_action: Communication with C&C site; 
> rule_uid: {9AF67731-0D35-4117-AF2B-9A47F9396D26}; Protection Type: URL 
> reputation; malware_rule_id: {000000CE-00A4-0046-9658-621EA5468654}; 
> protection_id: 00233CFEE; log_id: 2; proxy_src_ip:; scope: 
>; product: Anti Malware; service: http; s_port: 49244;
> Mar 29 20:13:14 prevent <eth1 alert web_client_type: Microsoft 
> IE; resource: 
> http://www.bing.com/fd/ls/GLinkPing.aspx?IG=9A0044152B65437D93F87086B9E730D9&&ID=SERP,5118.1&url=http://sc1.checkpoint.com/z...;
> src:; dst:; proto: tcp; session_id: 
> {0x56fac5ba,0x10004,0xc50d2e0a,0xc0000000}; Protection name: Check Point - 
> Testing Bot; malware_family: Check Point; Source OS: Windows; Confidence 
> Level: 5; severity: 2; malware_action: Communication with C&C site; 
> rule_uid: {9AF67731-0D35-4117-AF2B-9A47F9396D26}; Protection Type: URL 
> reputation; malware_rule_id: {000000CE-00A4-0046-9658-621EA5468654}; 
> protection_id: 00233CFEE; log_id: 2; proxy_src_ip:; scope: 
>; product: Anti Malware; service: http; s_port: 63119;
> -->
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-test">
>   <prematch>^redirect \p|^prevent \p</prematch>
>   <type>firewall</type>
> </decoder>
> <!--
> Mar 30 09:03:56 Mar 30 8:52:05 st4600fw01n1 allow <eth6 mail 
> src:; dst:; proto: tcp; bytes: 2396; sent_bytes: 
> 1180; received_bytes: 1216; app_id: 10063753; browse_time: ******; 
> Suppressed logs: 19; Referrer_self_uid: ******; product: Application 
> Control; service: http; s_port: 64136; product_family: Network;
> -->
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-block-allow">
>   <parent>Checkpoint-test</parent>
>   <prematch offset="after_parent">^block|^allow</prematch>
>   <regex offset="after_parent">(\w+) \S+ \S+ src: (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+); dst: 
> (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)</regex>
>   <order>action,srcip,dstip</order>
> </decoder>
> <!--
> Checkpoint-block-allow: extra fields: resource and product
> Mar 30 09:03:35 Mar 30 8:51:43 st4600fw01n1 allow <eth6 mail 
> src:; dst:; proto: tcp; appi_name: ******; 
> app_desc: ******; app_id: 10063753; app_category: ******; matched_category: 
> ******; app_properties: ******; app_risk: ******; app_rule_id: ******; 
> app_rule_name: ******; web_client_type: Chrome; web_server_type: 
> Microsoft-IIS; app_sig_id: 10063753:5; resource: 
> http://www.aliveproxy.com/; proxy_src_ip:; product: 
> Application Control; service: http; s_port: 64136; product_family: Network;
> -->
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-block-allow">
>   <parent>Checkpoint-test</parent>
>   <regex offset="after_regex">resource: (\S+); proxy_src_ip: \S+; 
> product: (\.+); </regex>
>   <order>url, extra_data</order>
> </decoder>
> P.S. My name is Jesus, not Jose ;).
> Regards,
> Jesus Linares.
> On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 10:28:09 AM UTC+2, Fredrik wrote:
> Hi Jose,
> I got some help to sort out the different timestamps (format) and all log 
> types now use "Jan 27 09:41:01".  You asked about the firewall, this 
> particular one is a Checkpoint currently running version R77.20.
> The remaining question, that might be of interest to others on the path to 
> OSSEC mastery ;) ;) is how to handle messages with different "format" 
> coming from the same host. I have collected a bunch of messages that I 
> would like to be able to decode, but I'm not sure about the most efficient 
> way to build the parent/child decoder tree for this. 
> With the help received previously in this thread, I currently have the 
> following in my local_decoder and I'm experimenting with different addition 
> - none of which is working so far ;) 
> <decoder name="Checkpoint">
>   <prematch>^\w+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ st4600fw01n\d</prematch>
>   <type>firewall</type>
> </decoder>
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-alert">
>   <parent>Checkpoint</parent>
>   <regex offset="after_parent">(\w+) \p\w+ \w+ 
> src:\s(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+);\sdst:\s(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)</regex>
>   <order>action,srcip,dstip</order>
> </decoder>
> <decoder name="Checkpoint-alert">
>   <parent>Checkpoint</parent>
>   <regex offset="after_regex">\.*resource: (\.*);\.*product: (\.*);</regex>
>   <order>url,extra_data</order>
> </decoder>
> Below is a collection of syslog messages recieved from the firewall where 
> the first section is currently decoded using the local_decoder above:
> Mar 29 10:09:40 Mar 29 9:57:49 st4600fw01n1 block <eth6 mail 
> src:; dst:; proto: tcp; bytes: 4962; sent_bytes: 
> 530; received_bytes: 4432; app_id: 3404393449; browse_time: ******; 
> Suppressed logs: 1; Referrer_self_uid: ******; product: URL Filtering; 
> service: http; s_port: 54693; product_family: Network;
> Mar 29 20:57:00, st4600fw01n1, allow <eth1 mail src:; dst: 
> ...


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