
Trying to configure OSSEC for our mail server I noticed that our postfix log 
format is different from what ossec expects with the default rules.

The postfix-reject decoder reads the source ip and and an error id, but in our 
logs there is also a port present (instead of "[x.x.x.x]: id" we have 
"[ip]:port: id"). Here is an (shortened) example log entry:

Apr 18 09:31:42 server postfix/postscreen[13433]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
[x.x.x.x]:9011: 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; client [ip] blocked using ...

I now tried to overwrite the "postfix-reject" decoder locally (I hesitated to 
modify it directly because I thought updates would overwrite the decoder file). 
The problem is, that decoders can't have the same name and there is no 
"overwrite" option as there is for rules.
Adding another decoder and overwriting rule 3300 (Grouping of the postfix 
reject rules.) also showed no effect, probably because the old decoder matches 
before any decoder in "local-decoders.xml" has a chance to match the log 

Is it correct that I should try not to change the shipped decoders/rule but 
create my own ones?
And is there a way to overwrite a decoder (or have I completely missed some 
different way to solve this problem)?

I hope this is the correct list to ask this question and thank you for any 

Tobias Margiani


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