Ok, this seems to work better on the Ad network with the Powershell lock 
down we have at work at the moment..

<rule id="503002" level="7">
    <match>ossec: output: 'USB-Audit'</match>
    <check_diff />
    <description>USB Connected - Current Session Information</description>



@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%d in ('wmic logicaldisk where "drivetype=2" 
get name /format:value') do ( set var=%%d
dir /s %var% > C:\temp\usb.txt
type C:\temp\usb.txt

The output I get from this in email alerts is this

OSSEC HIDS Notification.

2016 Apr 21 19:47:54


Received From: (mis41) any->USB-Audit

Rule: 503002 fired (level 7) -> "USB Connected - Current Session 

Portion of the log(s):


ossec: output: 'USB-Audit':

ECHO is off.

 Volume in drive E is 2_4_2-32-I5

 Volume Serial Number is 4086-B0A1

 Directory of E:\

12/06/2011  10:51 AM           388,608 HijackThis.exe

03/04/2016  03:44 PM        22,908,888 mbam-setup-

03/04/2016  03:46 PM             9,524 hijackthis.log

04/11/2016  03:08 PM               139 report.txt

03/30/2016  10:34 AM           545,957 Screenshot - 03302016 - 03%3A34%3A52 

02/10/2016  09:16 AM            72,176 Signage-Server.docx

11/14/2013  12:26 PM               557 add-printer.bat

02/29/2016  04:12 PM               406 ChatLog Meet Now 2016_02_29 15_12.rtf

04/18/2016  12:50 PM               319 dsafsadf

04/14/2016  04:02 PM            11,990 Management Interface10.docx

04/14/2016  04:01 PM            50,589 netscan.xml

11/03/2015  03:56 PM            10,846 Old Equipmentlist.xlsx

02/29/2016  03:01 PM            26,112 OneLink_Server_IP Schema all in 

              13 File(s)     24,026,111 bytes

 Directory of E:\System Volume Information





On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 2:23:39 PM UTC-5, Jacob Mcgrath wrote:
> I have a basic Windows agent setting to alert me when a storage device is 
> detected using Power shell..
> <localfile>
>     <log_format>full_command</log_format>
>     <command>powershell.exe -command "gwmi win32_diskdrive | select 
>     Model,InterfaceType,serialnumber,Size,MediaType,CapabilityDescriptions 
> > 
>     C:\temp\usbdetect.txt ; (gc C:\temp\usbdetect.txt | select -Skip 2)"
> </command>
>     <frequency>300</frequency>
>     <alias>USBDevices</alias>
>   </localfile>
> with the following rule in local_rules.xml
> <rule id="503002" level="7">
>     <if_sid>530</if_sid>
>     <match>ossec: output: 'USBDevices'</match>
>     <check_diff />
>     <description>Mounted Device change detected</description>
>   </rule>
> Of course I get this alert which is nice for basic logging..
> OSSEC HIDS Notification.
> 2016 Apr 19 18:35:31 
> Received From: (mis41) any->USBDevices 
> Rule: 503002 fired (level 7) -> "Mounted Device change detected" 
> Portion of the log(s): 
> ossec: output: 'USBDevices': 
> Model                  : TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 SCSI Disk Device 
> InterfaceType          : IDE 
> serialnumber           :            359ZMW6MS 
> Size                   : 1000202273280 
> MediaType              : Fixed hard disk media 
> CapabilityDescriptions : {Random Access, Supports Writing, SMART 
> Notification} 
> Model                  : Verbatim STORE N GO USB Device 
> InterfaceType          : USB 
> serialnumber           : AA00000000000489 
> Size                   : 16022845440 
> MediaType              : Removable Media 
> CapabilityDescriptions : {Random Access, Supports Writing, Supports 
> Removable M 
>                          edia} 
> Model                  : Verbatim STORE N GO USB Device 
> InterfaceType          : USB 
> serialnumber           : AA00000000000489 
> Size                   : 16022845440 
> MediaType              : Removable Media 
> CapabilityDescriptions : {Random Access, Supports Writing, Supports 
> Removable M 
> I was playing around with Powershell and have a optional command to print 
> out USB storage device files recursively...
> powershell.exe $USBDrive = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter 
> "DriveType='2'"| select -expand driveletter ; Get-Childitem $USBDrive 
> -recurse 
> > C:\temp\test.txt ; (gc C:\temp\test.txt | select -Skip 2)
> this gives me this output in a tmp.txt if ran from a powershell window and 
> or run line.
>     Directory: F:\
> Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name                             
> ----                -------------     ------ ----                             
> -a---        11/06/2015  12:38 PM   22908888 mbam-setup-        
> -a---        12/21/2014   9:27 AM  397798952 sp66051_driver-pack.exe          
>     Directory: E:\
> Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name                             
> ----                -------------     ------ ----                             
> -a---        12/06/2011   9:51 AM     388608 HijackThis.exe                   
> -a---        03/04/2016   2:44 PM   22908888 mbam-setup-        
> -a---        03/04/2016   2:46 PM       9524 hijackthis.log
>         I have been attempting to get the above USB recursive file lists 
> into a USB detection report but have not had any success as of yet using 
> the above command instead of the first like below.
>   <localfile>
>     <log_format>full_command</log_format>
>     <command>powershell.exe $USBDrive = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter
>  "DriveType='2'"| select -expand driveletter ; Get-Childitem $USBDrive -
> recurse > C:\temp\test.txt ; (gc C:\temp\test.txt | select -Skip 2)"
> </command>
>     <frequency>300</frequency>
>     <alias>USBDevices</alias>
>   </localfile>
> This gives me a empty C:\temp\test.txt file...
> Any suggestions would be appreiciated...


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