I am having a issue getting my servers agent.conf push to s test Windows 
agent....  as from a prior post USB Detection 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ossec-list/9P1wZM78jj4>  I wish to 
use the /var/ossec/etc/shared/agent.conf
to push USB detection and possibly other deployment wide logging ect.

My server side agent.conf is as soo..

-rw-r--r-- 1 root ossec 237 Apr 28 19:49 /var/ossec/etc/shared/agent.conf

<agent_config os="Windows">

I restarted the Ossec manager & the Windows client but after much time I 
still do not see any alteration to the Windows client side agent.conf...  i 
ran a md5sum check with this output...

02e124cb20c0a982fa571edcf5ecfce3  /var/ossec/etc/shared/agent.conf
root@alamo:/home/mis# /var/ossec/bin/agent_control -i 007

OSSEC HIDS agent_control. Agent information:
   Agent ID:   007
   Agent Name: mis41
   IP address: any/any
   Status:     Active

   Operating system:    Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition Professional 
   Client version:      OSSEC HIDS v2.8.3 / d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
   Last keep alive:     Fri Apr 29 15:29:04 2016

   Syscheck last started  at: Fri Apr 29 15:13:54 2016
   Rootcheck last started at: Fri Apr 29 15:14:26 2016

Wondering if the Active Directory permission structure is causing issues 
with Ossec config pushes.??

On Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 6:57:30 AM UTC-5, Jacob Mcgrath wrote:
> I have a 200-300 workstation network and roughly 60-80 servers in either 
> heavy metal or virtual clusters.
> From what I read I can use a .cvs file with hostnames to assign Ossec keys 
> to agents in large volumes.  Has any done this / or had issues with this 
> method? 
> Passing down windows agent config's from the Ossec server.  Is this a real 
> world possibility?


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