Hi Sean,

it seems that agent_config name 
<https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/blob/master/src/config/config.c#L224> is 
checked by the function OS_Match2 
<https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/blob/master/src/os_regex/os_match.c#L22> which 
only matches strings with *^*, *$* or *|* special characters. So, you can 
not use regex in the name.

I recommend you to use profiles in your agents, define your production 
servers with the profile "production", the development server with "dev" 
and so on.


*production agent*

    <config-profile>centos, centos7, production</config-profile>

<agent_config profile="production">

I hope it helps.

On Monday, December 5, 2016 at 11:33:01 PM UTC+1, Sean Roe wrote:
> Hi All,
> new to this list and I have a question:
> will the agent_config name field except regex expressions?
> I found a post by Daniel Cid with this reference: 
> <agent_config name=”agent1|agent2″>
> <localfile>
> <location>/var/log/my.log</location>
> <logtype>syslog</logtype>
> </localfile>
> </agent_config>
> so I was hoping to build a stanza in agent.conf like this:
> <agent_config name="prod*002|dev*002|qa*002">
> <localfile> 
> blah, blah.
> to get the prodAB002, prodCD002, devDD002, qaQQ002 servers
> Is that doable?
> Sean


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