
I have a couple of questions regarding FIM/System Integrity check. I'm 
hoping this would help others as well starting off with OSSEC. 

   - When a new agent is installed does it run the system integrity check 
   automatically? or does the <scan_on_start> option needs to be enabled? 
   - I have kept the default for scan frequency (20 hours). How can I 
   verify if the Integrity scan actually did run?
   - I get "** No entries found" when the command - syscheck_control -i 
      agentID is executed 
      - If I see the agent name under /var/ossec/queue/syscheck can I 
      assume that an initial scan was run on the system?
   - Do I need to setup a time for the scan to happen? <scan_time> 
   - Can I stagger the scan time for the agents? aka create groups by agent 
   name and scan them at different times?

Thank you again for the guidance! 


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