
I have hundreds of machines that are (supposed to be) all configured 
exactly the same way via kickstarts and periodic Puppet runs.  I've noticed 
that sometimes a Puppet push will modify a file across all of our machines, 
and the resulting syscheck notifications are a mixed bag - some have the 
report_change included (the *diff*), and others generate an alert but lack 
the report_change details.

I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why it's working on some and 
not others.  Below are some details on a machine where report_change is 

*OSSEC Agent Version:*

*inotify-tools Version:*

rpm -qa | grep -i inotify

*E-mail Notification:*

Received From: (removed)>syscheck
Rule: 102907 fired (level 7) -> "File integrity changed, likely security 
Portion of the log(s):

Integrity checksum changed for: '/etc/security/limits.conf'
Size changed from '1885' to '1927'
Old md5sum was: 'a639c5c0ea72bcb59c6a1379f6baa797'
New md5sum is : '301d246e310c78c2c76ef69cdefe00d1'
Old sha1sum was: '579006cf4e04899e05ff7812dc6a6c17500753fb'
New sha1sum is : '714e5ffa5da1b684d0d591b5a822460b8c8ba4c3'

*OSSEC Manager syscheck_control Output:*

/var/ossec/bin/syscheck_control -i 2337 -f /etc/security/limits.conf

Integrity changes for agent 'removed (2337) -':
Detailed information for entries matching: '/etc/security/limits.conf'

2017 Jan 31 12:55:42,0 - /etc/security/limits.conf
File added to the database. 
Integrity checking values:
   Size: 1885
   Perm: rw-r--r--
   Uid:  0
   Gid:  0
   Md5:  a639c5c0ea72bcb59c6a1379f6baa797
   Sha1: 579006cf4e04899e05ff7812dc6a6c17500753fb

2017 Feb 09 15:51:49,0 - /etc/security/limits.conf
File changed. - 1st time modified.
Integrity checking values:
   Size: >1927
   Perm: rw-r--r--
   Uid:  0
   Gid:  0
   Md5:  >301d246e310c78c2c76ef69cdefe00d1
   Sha1: >714e5ffa5da1b684d0d591b5a822460b8c8ba4c3

*The logs on the Agent do show that real-time monitoring was started prior 
to this change…*

2017/02/07 20:56:23 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Initializing real time file 
monitoring (not started).
2017/02/07 21:30:07 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Real time file monitoring 

*Strangely enough, the diff file does exist on the filesystem for this 

cat /var/ossec/queue/diff/local/etc/security/limits.conf/diff.1486673498 
> * soft stack 10240
> * hard stack unlimited

# 1486673498 converts to Thursday February 09, 2017 15:51:38 (pm)

*As far as I can tell my agent.conf is correct (and remember I use this 
agent.conf across hundreds of nodes):*

<agent_config os="Linux">

    <directories realtime="yes" report_changes="yes" 

*Permissions of /var/ossec/tmp:*

ls -ld /var/ossec/tmp/
dr-xr-x--- 2 root ossec 4096 Feb  9 16:27 /var/ossec/tmp/ 

Any thoughts on what could be causing this?


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