On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 3:20 AM, InfoSec <gjahc...@compucenter.org> wrote:
> The events are sanitized.
> XML in Windows Event Viewer:
> - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event";>
> - <System>
>   <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing"
> Guid="{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}" />
>   <EventID>5140</EventID>
>   <Version>1</Version>
>   <Level>0</Level>
>   <Task>12808</Task>
>   <Opcode>0</Opcode>
>   <Keywords>0x8020000000000000</Keywords>
>   <TimeCreated SystemTime="2017-02-15T07:43:12.062985000Z" />
>   <EventRecordID>2076547748</EventRecordID>
>   <Correlation />
>   <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="13920" />
>   <Channel>Security</Channel>
>   <Computer>Desktop</Computer>
>   <Security />
>   </System>
> - <EventData>
>   <Data
>   <Data Name="SubjectUserName">UserName</Data>
>   <Data Name="SubjectDomainName">DOMAIN</Data>
>   <Data Name="SubjectLogonId">0xXXXXXX</Data>
>   <Data Name="ObjectType">File</Data>
>   <Data Name="IpAddress">::1</Data>
>   <Data Name="IpPort">9723</Data>
>   <Data Name="ShareName">\\*\IPC$</Data>
>   <Data Name="ShareLocalPath" />
>   <Data Name="AccessMask">0x1</Data>
>   <Data Name="AccessList">%%4416</Data>
>   </EventData>
>   </Event>
> Event in Text Format (from Windows Event Viewer):
> Log Name:      Security
> Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
> Date:          2017-02-15 09:43:12
> Event ID:      5140
> Task Category: File Share
> Level:         Information
> Keywords:      Audit Success
> User:          N/A
> Computer:      Desktop
> Description:
> A network share object was accessed.
> Subject:
> Security ID: DOMAIN\UseName
> Account Name: UserName
> Account Domain: DOMAIN
> Logon ID: 0xXXXXXX
> Network Information:
> Object Type: File
> Source Address: ::1
> Source Port: 9723
> Share Information:
> Share Name: \\*\IPC$
> Share Path:
> Access Request Information:
> Access Mask: 0x1
> Accesses: ReadData (or ListDirectory)
> OSSEC Log Event (in json format):
> {"rule":{"level":1,"comment":"Windows - A network share object was
> accessed.","sidid":182047,"firedtimes":3,"groups":["win_audit"],"PCI_DSS":["10.6.1"]},"dstuser":"(no
> user)","full_log":"2017 Feb 15 09:43:12 WinEvtLog: Security:
> AUDIT_SUCCESS(5140): Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing: (no user): no
> domain: Desktop: A network share object was accessed.  Subject:  Security
> Account Domain:  DESKTOP  Logon ID:  0xXXXXXX  Network Information:   Source
> Address:  File  Source Port:  ::1   Share Name:
> 9723","id":"5140","status":"AUDIT_SUCCESS","data":"Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing","systemname":"Desktop","decoder":{"name":"windows"},"hostname":"Win10EntDsktp","agentip":"XXX.XXX.XX.X","timestamp":"2017
> Feb 15 07:43:12","location":"WinEvtLog"}
> OSSEC Log Event (in multi-line log format):
> 2017 Feb 15 09:43:12 WinEvtLog: Security: AUDIT_SUCCESS(5140):
> Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing: (no user): no domain: Desktop: A
> network share object was accessed.  Subject:  Security ID:
> Account Domain:  DOMAIN  Logon ID:  0xXXXXXX  Network Information:   Source
> Address:  File  Source Port:  ::1   Share Name:   9723
> Corresponding Custom Rule:
>   <rule id="182047" level="1">
>     <if_sid>18104</if_sid>
>     <id>^5140$</id>
>     <description>Windows - A network share object was
> accessed.</description>
>     <group>pci_dss_10.6.1,</group>
>   </rule>
> Issues:
> The Source Address field is skipped, the Source Port is filled with the
> Source Address, the Share Name is filled with the Source Port.
> Share Name,  Access Mask and Accesses fields are missing.

Can you turn on the logall option and pull a log sample from the archives.log?
The full_log entry in the json should be what OSSEC is seeing, and the
source port is listed as ::1

> --
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