Hi all,

I write a rules for parse Windows Event 4656, the result is pretty well 
except Accesses: is not friendly readable.

%%1541 %%4416 %%4423

As you can see, accesses field show as 4 digit. For anyone who want to 
understand these digit, it mean :
'%%1537', "Delete",
'%%1538', "ReadControl",
'%%1539', "ReadControl",
'%%1540', "ReadControl",
'%%1541', "Synchronize",
'%%1542', "Synchronize",
'%%4416', "ReadData",
'%%4417', "WriteData",
'%%4418', "AppendData",
'%%4419', "ReadEA",
'%%4420', "WriteEA",
'%%4423', "ReadAttrib",
'%%4424', "WriteAttrib",
'%%1801', "Granted",
'%%1805', "NotGranted"

Anyone here can suggest me the way to replace these digit to another 


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