Awesome Pedro. 

I'll give this a try. Just for clarification, is this the correct Wazuh 
master branch?

And do you know if it works with the standard ossec clients? Or will I need 
to install new clients on my servers for this to work?


On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 8:46:59 AM UTC-7, Pedro Sanchez wrote:
> Hi BJ,
> I did not know about that post, it looks great but it is a bit outdated.
> It helped me to add that functionality (code pieces) to Wazuh master 
> branch. Wazuh is already working SQLite internally for some DB's (agent 
> keys, syscheck data..) so the libraries are already compiled there.
> Everything is working on my labs as expected, every syscheck event is 
> being checked against the Checksum DB created with the Python script, if 
> there is a match, the alert won't be generated.
> I am attaching the patch and the Python script fixed (the one on the blog 
> was not working).
> PS: I assume the errors you had were related to not compiling / including 
> properly the SQLite libraries.
> Regards,
> Pedro Sanchez.
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 1:33 AM, BJ < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Thank you Pedro. That's good information.
>> With that in mind, I've decided to give this a try: 
>> Basically, he patched the code to make it look at a sqlite3 database 
>> prior to alerting.
>> Unfortunately, the code is a bit old, and I'm not sure he included all of 
>> the steps. I couldn't use his patch because I wanted the latest code, so I 
>> created my own based on his (attached). And although I have installed 
>> libsqlite3-dev, it fails to compile. I keep getting the following, which 
>> suggests it isn't pulling the code in from sqlite3.h for some reason.
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:845: 
>> undefined reference to `debug0'
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:849: 
>> undefined reference to `sqlite3_open'
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:852: 
>> undefined reference to `sqlite3_prepare_v2'
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:854: 
>> undefined reference to `sqlite3_step'
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:859: 
>> undefined reference to `sqlite3_finalize'
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:860: 
>> undefined reference to `sqlite3_close'
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:861: 
>> undefined reference to `debug0'
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:865: 
>> undefined reference to `sqlite3_finalize'
>> /usr/local/src/ossec-hids-2.8.3/src/analysisd/decoders/syscheck.c:866: 
>> undefined reference to `sqlite3_close'
>> Now, I haven't coded in C since.... high school? Like 20 years ago. I 
>> remember some things, and have googled others, but I'm in over my head. I 
>> can't seem to figure out how to fix this, or what I might have done wrong. 
>> FYI, I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. 
>> If anyone could help me, I'd appreciate it.
>> Thanks,
>> BJ
>> On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 9:14:45 AM UTC-7, Pedro Sanchez wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I like your intention to create a whitelist for checksum using CDB 
>>> lists, I think it will be a great functionality. Unfortunately you won't be 
>>> able to do it, since OSSEC lists does not allow to match using 
>>> "syscheck.md5_after" field.
>>> You can check here the available fields for matching a CDB List: 
>>> (srcip, srcport, dstip, dstport, user, url, id, hostname, program_name, 
>>> status and action)
>>> Beside that, if somehow we add the funcionallity to match for that 
>>> field, you could use a negative key match, adding the list sentence to 
>>> syscheck rule 550.
>>> Negative key match: 
>>> Rule 550 for syscheck integrity checksum changed, will trigger only if 
>>> they md5 checksum is not present on the CDB list, how it would look like:
>>> <rule id="550" level="7">
>>>> <category>ossec</category>
>>>> <decoded_as>syscheck_integrity_changed</decoded_as>
>>>> *<list field="syscheck.md5_after" 
>>>> lookup="not_match_key">etc/lists/whitelist_md5</list>*
>>>> <description>Integrity checksum changed.</description>
>>>> <group>syscheck,pci_dss_11.5,</group>
>>>> </rule>
>>> *whitelist_md5*
>>> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427a:file1
>>>> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427b:file2
>>>> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427c:file3
>>>> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427d:file4
>>> ossec.conf
>>>> *<list>etc/lists/whitelist_md5</list>*
>>> *Compile CDB List*
>>>> /var/ossec/bin/ossec-makelists
>>>  Maybe someone figure out a different way to do this.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pedro Sanchez.
>>> On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 1:13 AM, BJ <> wrote:
>>>> I've seen the possibility mentioned in this forum a couple of times 
>>>> regarding adding the ability to check an MD5sum CDB list with rules. Right 
>>>> now, I'm in a situation where I could use that ability. However, I can't 
>>>> see anywhere that describes how to use it. Was that ever implemented? 
>>>> Frankly, I'm interested enough in this feature that I'd do it myself if I 
>>>> could, but I don't know C/C++, and only do scripting in Python. 
>>>> I'm trying to monitor a web folder for changes, but of course I don't 
>>>> want to be alerted on every file when a releases is done (they can be done 
>>>> at any time of day too). I can get md5 sums of each of the files prior to 
>>>> the release to whitelist them for ossec, but I can't seem to figure out 
>>>> how 
>>>> to tell ossec to use that database. Any help would be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> -- 
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