I went with the first option. Works as expected but now I need to adjust 
the number of of fails before the ip is blocked.. Where do I do that?

On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 2:56:29 PM UTC-4, The Dude wrote:
> I am new to ossec and I am trying to figure out what is the best way to 
> change a rule.  In the ossec.conf it says this
> <!-- Active Response Config -->
>>   <active-response>
>>     <!-- This response is going to execute the host-deny
>>        - command for every event that fires a rule with
>>        - level (severity) >= 6.
>>        - The IP is going to be blocked for  600 seconds.
>>       -->
>>     <command>host-deny</command>
>>     <location>local</location>
>>     <level>6</level>
>>     <timeout>600</timeout>
>>   </active-response>
> I am assuming the level it is referring to is the level set in the 
> rule.xml So the sshd_rules.xml has this line.
>> <rule id="5716" level="5">
>>     <if_sid>5700</if_sid>
>>     <match>^Failed|^error: PAM: Authentication</match>
>>     <description>SSHD authentication failed.</description>
>>     <group>authentication_failed,</group>
>   </rule>
> When testing failed ssh logins I see the alert in the alert.log for the 
> rule above. How should I go about changing the level to 6 so it will get 
> blocked? I tried editing the sshd_rules.xml but get the read only warning. 


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