Hello List,

i am trying to create an Ossec rootcheck file regarding to cis benchmarks. 
I noticed that some rules are not working on my Windows Server 2012 R2 

For example:

# Ensure 'Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior' is set to 
'Lock Workstation' or higher
[CIS - Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 - Ensure 'Interactive 
logon: Smart card removal behavior' is set to 'Lock Workstation' or higher] 
[any] [https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/288]
-> ScRemoveOption -> 0;

I am not sure if this rule is not correctly or if the problem  is related 
to https://github.com/ossec/ossec-hids/issues/301. If this is related to 
the problem with the registry redirection, is there a workaround to check 
this hives with rootchecks or are all the keys in 
hkey_local_machine\software and hkey_current_user\software "useless" for 
this kind of checks on 64bit Windows?

Thank's for your support.

Best Regards



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