Hi Scott,

On Sat, Oct 17, 2020 at 6:47 PM saw...@gmail.com <sawo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In testing snort 2.9 inline operation logs against OSSEC (3.6.0), I have 
> found something weird.
> This “alert” event gets caught by the decoder:
> 10/17-21:23:32.374062 [**] [1:10000002:0] /etc/passwd test detected [**] 
> [Priority: 0] {TCP} ->
> **Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
> full event: '10/17-21:23:32.374062 [**] [1:10000002:0] /etc/passwd test 
> detected [**] [Priority: 0] {TCP} ->'
> hostname: 'ossec'
> program_name: '(null)'
> log: '[**] [1:10000002:0] /etc/passwd test detected [**] [Priority: 0] {TCP} 
> ->'
> **Phase 2: Completed decoding.
> decoder: 'snort'
> id: '1:10000002:0'
> srcip: ''
> dstip: ''
> **Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
> Rule id: '20101'
> Level: '6'
> Description: 'IDS event.'
> **Alert to be generated.
> This “drop” event, however, does not.
> 10/17-21:24:32.944406 [Drop] [**] [1:10000002:0] cmd.exe test detected [**] 
> [Priority: 0] {TCP} ->
> **Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
> full event: '10/17-21:24:32.944406 [Drop] [**] [1:10000002:0] cmd.exe test 
> detected [**] [Priority: 0] {TCP} ->'
> hostname: 'ossec'
> program_name: '(null)'
> log: '[Drop] [**] [1:10000002:0] cmd.exe test detected [**] [Priority: 0] 
> {TCP} ->'
> **Phase 2: Completed decoding.
> No decoder matched.
> For your reference here are the Snort decoder lines from 
> /var/ossec/etc/decoder.xml:
> <decoder name="snort">
> <program_name_pcre2>^snort</program_name_pcre2>
> </decoder>
> <decoder name="snort">
> <type>ids</type>
> <prematch_pcre2>^\[\*\*\] \[\d+:\d+:\d+\] </prematch_pcre2>
> </decoder>
> <decoder name="snort2">
> <parent>snort</parent>
> <type>ids</type>
> <prematch_pcre2>^\[\*\*\] \[|^\[Drop\] \[\*\*\] \[|^\[</prematch_pcre2>
> <pcre2 offset="after_prematch">(\d+:\d+:\d+)\] .+ (\S+?):?\d* -> 
> ([^:]+)</pcre2>
> <order>id,srcip,dstip</order>
> <fts>name,id,srcip,dstip</fts>
> </decoder>
> So what’s happening is that the alert event that starts with the timestamp 
> then [**] [#:########:#] matches the second “snort” decoder and then gets 
> further tested against the “snort2” decoder.
> However, the drop event that starts with the timestamp then [Drop] [**] 
> [#:#######:#] only matches the “snort2” decoder. This decoder catches strings 
> that start with [**] OR [Drop] [**] OR [ and then sorts out the ID and IP 
> info after the prematch. The problem is that since “snort2” declares “snort” 
> as it’s parent, and the “snort” decoder only catches events which starts with 
> [**] [#:########:#] only alert events make it to “snort2” for further 
> decoding.
> I have 3 proposed solutions:
> 1) Remove the “snort” parent requirement from the “snort2” decoder. I don’t 
> see any value added by making it contingent on a prematch_pcre2 that would 
> ALSO be caught by the child decoder’s prematch_pcre2 but I may be missing 
> something. If this is OK, this could also allow for the complete removal of 
> the second “snort” decoder since both would catch log lines starting with 
> [**] [#:#######:#].
> 2) Change the second “snort” decoder’s prematch_pcre2 to: ^\[\*\*\] 
> \[\d+:\d+:\d+\]|^\[Drop\] \[\*\*\] \[\d+:\d+:\d+\] so it will match both 
> alert and drop events and allow access to the “snort2” decoder.
> 3) Add a third “snort” decoder with a prematch_pcre2 of ^\[Drop\] \[\*\*\] 
> \[\d+:\d+:\d+\]
> Does anyone see any superiority between these approaches? Also, how does one 
> propose a change to the built-in decoder.xml?

Which snort output are you using? It's been a long time since I've looked at it.
I think I like #1 the best, but I haven't had a chance to look into it
very much. You could create a pull request or an issue on github.
I'll try to install snort and get a better idea of what it all looks like again.

> Thanks,
> Scott
> --
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