I have 2 servers with ossec-hids-agent and, I believe, identical 
OS - CentOS release 6.10 (Final)
OSSEC Version -  OSSEC HIDS v3.6.0 - OSSEC Foundation
This is a 3rd party application server and they do not like to modify their 
approved way of doing things.

In the local server ossec-agent.conf. I added a custom localfile entry for 
tomcat log files that rotate frequently and use a down to the second 
creation naming convention.
e.g. access_log.2021.03.05-07.13.40.txt


After adding this and using ./ossec-control restart, it seems to work 
normally and logfiles are processed. The server receives events and active 
responses are generated as expected.
I see it continue to pickup new log files and complain or missing (rotated) 
log files as expected The server continues to receive alerts.
It seems to stop processing the tomcat access_log*.txt files once it 
reports the first missing file (due to rotation).
'2021/03/09 07:25:05 ossec-logcollector(1103): ERROR: Could not open file 
'/vendor/application/logs/tomcat/access_log.2021.03.04-08.12.32.txt' due to 
[(2)-(No such file or directory)].'
When this happens, logcollector is still running and processing other less 
chatty log files.

Initially there was a version difference with the problematic server using 
ossec-hids 3.3 however, I removed it, removed the installed directory and 
files and installed the 3.6 release as an initial 'fix'.
I also removed the <only-future-events> as a test and it didn't seem to 
make a difference. 
I've enabled debug level 2 on both servers but do not see much more 
information than I had before.

Guidance or pointers appreciated. Thank you for your time.


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